
hé tonɡ xiào lì
  • validity of a contract
  1. 合同效力状态及其转化

    State Of Validity Of A Contract And It 's Transformation

  2. 合同效力问题是合同法的核心问题,包括效力内涵、效力基础、效力水平、效力状态等一系列问题。

    Validity of a contract is the core issue in contract law . It includes a set of issues , such as connotation of validity , foundation of validity , level of validity , state of validity , etc.

  3. 服务协议双方是“ZWW中外网网站”和“ZWW中外网的用户”,协议具备合同效力。

    Service agreement the two sides " ZWW Chinese and foreign net sites " and " ZWW Chinese and foreign net The users ", Agreements have contractual effect .

  4. 论批准对房地产买卖合同效力的影响&以划拨土地使用权转让为中心

    Influence of Approval on the Effectiveness of Real Estate Dealing Contract

  5. 保险合同效力待定,合同相对无效;

    The effectiveness of the insurance contract is to be determined ;

  6. 海上保险合同效力问题研究

    Research on Legal Problems of the Validity of Marine Insurance Contract

  7. 合同效力体系重构

    The Reestablishment of the System of the Contract 's Force

  8. 论司法实践中农村土地转让合同效力的认定

    On the Rural Land Transfer Contract Effect in Judicial Practice

  9. 合同效力内涵与效力基础

    On connotation of validity and foundation of validity of contract

  10. 电子合同效力安全认证法律问题研究

    The Legal Problems of the Safety Certification of the Validity of E-Contract

  11. 合同效力及保证责任有关问题探析

    Discussion and Analysis on Contract Efficiency and Guaranteed Burden

  12. 商品房预售合同效力问题分析与处理

    The Analysis and Treatment of the Effectiveness Question of Real Estate Pre-sale Contract

  13. 我国合同效力制度的演变

    The Evolution of the Contract Validity System in China

  14. 论情势变更原则对合同效力的影响

    Influence of the Principle of Rebus sic Stantibus on the Effectiveness of Contracts

  15. 关于合同效力的分析与探讨

    The Analysis and Exploration on the Contract Validity

  16. 第二章房屋买卖与贷款合同效力问题分析。

    Chapter 2 analyzes the validity of house purchase contracts and housing loan contracts .

  17. 电子格式合同效力的实证论析

    Case Study on Validity of Electronic Standard Contracts

  18. 我国格式条款合同效力探讨

    On the Standard Article Contract Efficacy in China

  19. 第一部分主要介绍了关联交易合同效力的基本问题。

    The first chapter mainly introduces the basic problem of related transactions contract effectiveness .

  20. 最后对违反强制性规定的合同效力做类型化分析。

    Finally , classifying analysis on the validity of contracts which breach compulsory rule .

  21. 生活(英文)人寿保险合同效力若干问题研究

    Study on Issues of the Life Insurance Contract

  22. 论经济合同效力的确认

    Discussion on the Identity of Business Contract Efficiency

  23. 代签名人身保险合同效力的认定与道德风险防范

    Identifying the Effect of Life Insurance Contract With an Agent Signature and Moral Hazard Prevention

  24. 房屋联建合同效力的认定

    Identifying the Effectiveness of Joint-construction Housing Contract

  25. 合同效力扩张的原动力是诚实信用原则。

    The motive force of expanding the contract validity is the principle of good faith .

  26. 劳动合同效力研究

    The Research on Labor Contract Enforcement

  27. 论合同效力的扩张

    On the Expansion of Contract Validity

  28. 对众多强制性规定进行分析,明确违反取缔性规范与效力性规范在法律后果上的差异,有利于对建设工程合同效力的正确认识。

    The contract of construction is adjusted by laws in different fields which include mandatory regulations .

  29. 论无权处分合同效力的认定

    The Efficiency of Non-Right Disposition Contract

  30. 合同效力制度是合同法律制度的核心内容和重要组成部分。

    The system of contract effect is the core content and important component of the contract law .