
  • 网络performance of the contract;Contract performance;Contract Execution
  1. 工程施工合同履行中索赔的预防与处理

    Precaution and Settlement of Claim in Engineering Construction Contract Execution

  2. 再次应加强合同履行的监督与管理;

    The third , strengthening to supervise and manage the performance of the contract ;

  3. 500kV变电站进口设备合同履行的要点

    Notion for Fulfilment of the Contracts of Import Equipment of 500 kV Substation

  4. 如果您的项目或公司还没有准备好在生产中使用AspectJ,可以方便地将AspectJ应用于诸如调试和合同履行之类的开发事项。

    If your project or your company aren 't ready to use AspectJ in production , you can easily apply AspectJ to development concerns such as debugging and contract enforcement .

  5. 论国际贸易合同履行过程中不可抗力的适用

    The Application of Force Majeure to Performance of International Trade Contract

  6. 关于合同履行中的抗辩权隐私权有关问题的分析

    On Counterargument Right While Carrying Out Contracts On Right of Privacy

  7. 其次,对物业服务合同履行抗辩权法理进行分析。

    Secondly , construed the legal performance of right of defense .

  8. 对于合同履行中发生的每一索赔事件,关于索赔费用的争议是目前在承包方和建设方之间经常发生的。

    The disputes about claim are usually between owners and contractors .

  9. 和谐劳动关系是和谐社会的重要组成部分。在构建和谐劳动关系的过程中,工会应监督劳动合同履行情况,指导职工与企业协商签订劳动合同;

    Harmonious industrial relations are one important constitution of harmonious society .

  10. 质量有保障,合同履行率为100%。

    Quality is guaranteed , contract fulfillment rate was100 % .

  11. 二是合同履行的无形化;

    Second , the non-visible that the contract is fulfilled ;

  12. 论合同履行中违背债务人意思的第三人清偿

    Discharge By The Third Party Which Breach The Will Of The Debtor

  13. 论习惯解释规则在合同履行中的适用

    On the Adaptability of conventional Interpretation Rule to the Fulfilment of Contracts

  14. 浅谈反索赔在合同履行中的重要性

    The roles of counter claim in implementation of project contract

  15. 试论合同履行原则的唯一性

    Study on the Exclusive Nature of the Principle of Performance of Contract

  16. 招标文件中投标人须知对合同履行的影响分析

    Impact analysis of instructions to tenders on contractual performance in tender documents

  17. 技术合同履行中的道德风险研究

    Research of the Moral Hazard in the Fulfilment of the Technical Contract

  18. 略论合同履行中的不安抗辩权

    On the Right to Plea of Unease During the Performance of Contract

  19. 他们没有按照合同履行自己的义务。

    They have failed to carry out their obligations under the contract .

  20. 最大诚信原则在海上保险合同履行过程中的适用

    Application of Utmost Good Faith in the Performance of Marine Insurance Contract

  21. 在工程合同履行中,常常遇到“索赔事件”。

    Problems related to claim events in engineering supervision ;

  22. 这些违约行为有的是发生在合同履行期到来之前,有的是发生在合同履行期到来之后。

    These default behavior takes place before or after the contract implementing period .

  23. 行使双务合同履行抗辩权时应注意的几个问题

    Several Noticeable Problems in Exercising Implementation of Right to Plea for Reciprocal Contract

  24. 关于集体合同履行若干问题的研究

    Studies on Several Issues of Implementation of Collective Agreements

  25. 声誉是确保合同履行的重要因素之一。

    Reputation is one of the significant mechanisms to ensure implementation of a contract .

  26. 政治保障论。抵押是保证经济合同履行的一种担保方式。

    Mortgage is one of guarantee forms to assure the performance of economic contract .

  27. 合同履行期前的法定解除事由探讨论期前违约制度&履约期待权的救济措施

    On Breaking a Contract in Advance & The Remedy for the Expectation Rights of Contract-keeping

  28. 论保险合同履行中危险增加的通知义务

    Research on the Informative Obligation of Risk Increases during the Course of Insurance Contract Performance

  29. 这样才能在合同履行中协调相关主体的职能。

    In order to fulfill the contract to coordinate the functions of the relevant subject .

  30. 浅议合同履行中的附随义务

    Study for incidental obligation in executing contracts