
hé tonɡ jiū fēn
  • contract dispute;contractual dispute
  1. 第二十四条因合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者合同履行地人民法院管辖。

    Article 24 A lawsuit brought on a contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the contract is performed .

  2. 布鲁塞尔也在调查谷歌涉及的一起合同纠纷,申诉方是微软(microsoft)旗下的德国网站ciao。

    Brussels is also looking into a third case involving a contract dispute with Google that has been lodged by ciao , a German site owned by Microsoft .

  3. 目前,B2C电子合同纠纷管辖的机制可分为诉讼解决机制和非诉解决机制。

    Dispute proceedings can be divided into non-complaint resolution mechanisms and settlement mechanism .

  4. 高盛本身正与深圳南山热电股份公司(shenzhennanshanpower)谈判,以了结一项涉及石油衍生品合约的合同纠纷。

    Goldman itself is negotiating with Shenzhen Nanshan Power , a mainland utility , to settle a contractual dispute relating to oil derivatives contracts .

  5. 在这些民商事纠纷中,B2C电子合同纠纷是一类比较特殊的纠纷,纠纷的解决一方面要顾及当事人的意思自治,另一方面要体现对消费者利益的保护。

    Compared to the other civil and commercial disputes , the ones on B2C E-contract are special in both considering the parties ' will autonomy on one hand and protecting the consumers ' interest on the other hand .

  6. 论农民工劳动合同纠纷解决的法律机制构建

    Establishment of Legal Mechanism to Settle Contract Dispute between Peasant Workers

  7. 建设工程合同纠纷解决机制研究

    The Research on the Mechanism of Resolving Dispute in Construction Contract

  8. 企业法人的独立人格和有限责任&对某银行与某香油公司、镇政府借款合同纠纷一案中企业改制问题的几点反思

    The Independent Personality and Limited Responsibility of Legal Person of Enterprise

  9. 合同纠纷中精神障碍者民事行为能力评定

    Civil Competence Assessment of the Mental Disorders Involved in Contract Dispute

  10. 行政合同纠纷几个法律问题探讨

    A Discussion on Administrative Contracts On Several Issues of Administrative Contract Disputes

  11. 旅游合同纠纷的现状及其法律调整

    The Current Situation and the Legal Adjustment of Dispute on Tour Contract

  12. 司法鉴定与医学鉴定在医疗服务合同纠纷中运用的比较分析

    Comparison between expert testimony and medical testimony in medical service contract disputes

  13. 建设工程承包合同纠纷的解决途径

    Ways of solving dispute for the contract of construction engineering

  14. 农村土地承包纠纷主要有合同纠纷与侵权纠纷。

    Rural land contract disputes , contract disputes and tort main dispute .

  15. 合同纠纷的处理办法和受理机构名称;

    Analysis on and solutions to disputes in highway passenger transportation contracts ;

  16. 从一起海上货物运输保险合同纠纷案谈起

    An Analysis Based on A Case of Marine Insurance Contract

  17. 商品房预售合同纠纷浅析

    A Brief Analysis of Disputes in Contract about Selling Commercial Housing in Advance

  18. 影视剧本委托创作合同纠纷若干问题的探讨

    On Dispute over Contract of Entrustment of Creation of Film and TV Play

  19. 导致要求增加付款的合同纠纷。

    C.Contract disputes that generate claims for increased payments .

  20. 建设工程施工合同纠纷的产生及预防

    Construction Project Turn-key Contract Dispute 's Production and Prevention

  21. 目前在我国日益增多的涉外劳动合同纠纷中,法律适用问题成为人们关注的焦点。

    Application of law becomes an important issue with the increasing labor disputes .

  22. 论不完全合同纠纷的解决机制

    The Study on Settlement to Dissensions of Incomplete Contracts

  23. 论旅游合同纠纷的法律适用

    On the Legal Suitability of Tourist Contract Disputes

  24. 合同纠纷与合同诈骗是两类既相似又本质不同的法律行为。

    Contract deadlock and contract fraud are two similar but essentially different legal acts .

  25. 借款合同纠纷案例分析

    Analysis on the Case of Loan Contract Dissension

  26. 工程项目分包合同纠纷风险的规避和对策探讨

    Discussion on Elusion and Countermeasures of Dissension Risks Concerned with Subcontracting of Engineering Project

  27. 浅议建筑房地产合同纠纷中情势变更原则的适用

    Study on the Application of the Circumstances Change Principle in Real Estate Contract Disputes

  28. 交易习惯在合同纠纷解决机制中的适用

    Application of Trading Custom in Resolving Contract Dispute

  29. 本文就旅游合同纠纷的法律适用与旅游合同责任做一探讨。

    The paper discusses on the legal applicability and responsibility about disputation on tourist contracts .

  30. 相应的,车辆涉及的保险合同纠纷也越来越多。

    In the meantime , there are more insurance disputes related to the motor vehicles .