
  • 网络Zero element;Element Zero
  1. 同时也给出了具有定号解的线性方程组其任一类解中均无零元素的特征。

    Meanwhile , a characterization of linear systems with signed solutions whose class solution does not contain any zero element is obtained .

  2. 为此,本文利用拉氏方法推演出了SCARA机器人的完整的动力学显方程,并对方程中大量零元素的现象作了解释。

    In this paper the explicit and accurate equation ofa SCARA robot is derived by means of Lagranglan equation and it is explained that a large number of zero elements appear in that matrix equation .

  3. 采用逻辑推理的方法进行证明,得到了当矩阵为不可约和具有非零元素链时,判断其为H矩阵的条件。

    The condition that irreducible matrix or the matrix with nonzero elements chain is H-matrix is derived .

  4. 利用具非零元素链矩阵的性质得到其为非奇H矩阵的实用判据。

    Applying the properties of non-zero elements chain matrices , conditions for them to be nonsingular H-matrices are also obtained .

  5. 对于偶数行说来有5个非零元素,对于奇数行说来有3个非零元素,由此可求解A和B两个正定对称矩阵,从而完成x方向的有限元波动方程求解。

    There are five nonzero elements in even columns and three nonzero elements in odd columns so that two positive definite symmetric matrixes A , B may be solved to accomplish the solution of finite element wave equation in x direction .

  6. 研究结果表明,对均匀介质而言,矩阵H各列具有相同的非零元素分布,谱法LU分解的误差在吸收边界条件下,不影响波场模拟和成像计算;

    The result in this paper indicates that for constant velocity model all the arrays of matrix H have same nonzero values , and the errors brought by SF method will not affect the computation of wave fields if an absorb boundary condition is used ;

  7. 运用Yoneda乘积,得到了球面稳定同伦群中的一个非零元素g0(b1)4γs~。

    With the help of ( Yoneda ) - products , a nonzero element g_0 ( b_1 ) ~ 4_s of stable homotopy groups of sphere is obtained .

  8. 针对电力系统状态估计问题中状态量及量测雅可比矩阵的绝大多数非零元素均成对出现的实际状况,提出了一种基于分块吉文斯(Givens)旋转的快速状态估计算法。

    Considering the fact that both state variables and most of the non-zero elements of measurement Jacobian matrix appear in pairs in power system state estimation , a blocked Givens rotations based algorithm is presented in this paper for power system state estimation .

  9. 针对大型法方程和误差方程解算问题,提出为矩阵寻求一个好的排序,使得它的Cholesky分解后的下三角矩阵有较少的非零元素个数。

    Aiming at the difficulties of solving large-scale normal equation and error equation , it proposes a method on the basis of Cholesky decomposition principle . A good sequence for matrix is arranged , and the triangular matrices for Cholesky decomposition contain less non-zero elements .

  10. 非零元素ad-幂零或自中心的李代数

    Lie Algebras with Each Nonzero Element Being ad-Nilpotent of Self Centralizing

  11. 具非零元素链二重几何平均对角占优矩阵

    Doubly Geometric Mean Diagonally Dominant Matrices with Nonzero Elements Chain

  12. 且运算过程中也不需对零元素作任何判断;

    Any decision for zero elements need not be made ;

  13. 线性李代数中的幂零元素

    The Nilpotent Elements in Linear Lie Algebras

  14. 有限元方程的非零元素存贮和迭代求解法

    The Method for Nonzero Factor Memory of Finite Element Equation System and the Iterative Algorithm

  15. 具有非零元素链的对角占优矩阵为非奇异的定理的一个简短证明

    A Brief Proof for the Theorem of Diagonal Dominant Matrix with Nonvanishing Element Chain to Be Nonsingular

  16. 讨论了拟具非零元素链对角占优矩阵的迭代收敛性。

    This paper discusses the iterative convergence of quasi diagonally dominant matrix with chain of non-zero elements .

  17. 具ad-幂零元素的DI-李代数

    DI-Lie Algebras With ad-Nilpotent Elements

  18. 第二次扫描,通过另一次循环按存储的相关节点形成非零元素的地址阵。

    In the second scan , address matrix is formed through stored relevant nodes by another iteration .

  19. 仅有的非零元素集中于主对角线的方块中的行列式是分块对角形式的。

    A determinant whose only nonzero elements occur in square blocks centered about the principal diagonal is in block-diagonal form .

  20. 消元过程中系数矩阵阶数递减,并可控制系数矩阵中非零元素的出现。

    During the elimination , the degree of coefficient matrix decreases progressively and the appearance of non-zero element can be controlled .

  21. 给出了拟具非零元素链对角占优矩阵的定义,并就这类矩阵的特征值分布性质进行了讨论。

    This paper defines a new class of matrix : quasi diagonally dominant matrix with chain of non-zero elements and discusses its range of eigenvalue .

  22. 模型编程采用了索引存储法,只存储方程中二维数组中的非零元素,可节省计算机的内存。

    The programming model employs the index storage method , in which only the non-zero elements of the two-dimensional matrices are stored to save computer storage .

  23. 研究如何应用位移秩的方法有效地求出一个给定的结构矩阵的核空间中的一个非零元素。

    The main problem considered in this paper is how to find efficiently a nonzero element in the kernel of a given structured matrix by the displacement approach .

  24. 该算法采用人们熟悉的树型数据结构,可以较为合理地表示稀疏校验矩阵中行与列中非零元素的跳转关系。

    This algorithm used the data of tree structure , and could more reasonably the skipping relations of the non-zero elements in the rows and lines of the sparse check matrix .

  25. 引进具有非零元素链的α-几何平均对角占优矩阵的概念,讨论了它的性质及其与具非零元素链对角占优矩阵、非奇异H-矩阵的关系。

    The concept of α - geometric mean diagonally dominant matrices with nonzero elements chain are introduced , and the relations between the matrices and diagonally dominant matrices with nonzero elements chain as well as nonsingular H-matrices are studied .

  26. 在方程组的求解方面,采用变带宽存储解决含有大量零元素的大型稀疏矩阵的存储和方程组的求解问题,以节约内存使用量和提高计算速度。

    In the aspect of equations solving , the variable bandwidth storage is used to solve storage problems of the large sparse matrix with large number of zero elements , which can help to save memory usage and improve the computing speed .

  27. 本文提出一种线性规划快速算法,它以直接逼近鞍点为基础,适用于高维与具有大量非零元素的线性规划问题。

    This paper proposes a fast algorithm for linear programming which is based on direct approach to the saddle point of the Lagrangean . The algorithm appears particularly well suited for problems of high dimension and problems with great numbers of nonzero elements .

  28. 针对大型稀疏矩阵的特点,采用简单地记录矩阵的非零元素值及其所在行、列值的方法,来存储大型稀疏矩阵,可大大节省机器内存,提高运算速度。

    Aimed at the character of large sparse matrice , the paper saves large sparse matrice by the method of only recording values of nonzero elment and its row and column , thereby it requires less memory of computer , and bumps operation velocity up .

  29. 通过统计节点导纳矩阵中的每行非零元素个数及其列号确定节点之间的连线关系,以及采用逻辑向量改变蚂蚁搜索配电网络中的初始节点概率。

    Through statistics the number of non-zero elements in each row of the nodal admittance matrix and column number to determine connections between nodes , and the logical vector has used to change the initial search node probability when the ants search the notes in distribution network .

  30. 具有零质量元素的动力学模型误差分析

    Error analysis of dynamics models provided with zero-mass elements