
  • 网络orthogonal series;B. S. Kashin & A. A. Saakian
  1. 第一章简单地叙述了一元非参数回归模型的三类估计方法:局部光滑方法(Localmodellingapproach),正交级数方法(Orthogonalseriesapproach)和样条方法(Splineapproach)。

    In the first chapter we give a brief description of the estimating method of univariate non-parametric regressing models . It includes three types : the local modelling approach , the orthogonal series approach and the spline approach .

  2. 最后,结合小波理论和隐马尔科夫模型的相关知识,将小波变换应用到隐马尔科夫模型非参数估计问题中来,并探讨了其中Haar小波正交级数估计量分解尺度的选取。

    At last , combining the related knowledge of Wavelet theory and hidden Markov models , we introduce wavelet transformation for nonparametric estimation of HMM 's and discuss how to choose resolving scale of Haar-wavelet orthogonal series ' estimation .

  3. 基于第二类Chebyshev多项式的导函数的双正交级数

    The biorthogonal series based on the derivatives of Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind

  4. 复合正交级数神经网络模型在飞控中的应用

    Complex - orthogonal - series - based neural network model and its application

  5. 关于正交级数系数的某些性质

    Properties of the Coefficients in Orthogonal Series

  6. 文中提出的解析法,将液、壳轴向模态位移用同一完备正交级数表示,使液、壳振型解耦合。

    In this paper , a general analytical method is presented by which the axial modal functions of liquid and shell are represented as the same complete orthogonal series for uncoupling the mode of liquid and shell .

  7. 提出RF正交幂级数预失真线性功率放大器方案,可同时改善放大器幅度、相位失真。

    The contributions of the thesis are presented as follows : 1 . A RF quadrature power series predistortion linearizer is presented .

  8. 正交函数级数绝对求和

    On the Absolute Summability of the Series of Orthogonal Function

  9. 一种基于正交三角级数神经网络的谐波检测方法

    Method of Harmonics Measurement Based on Neural Network of Orthogonal Trigonometric Series

  10. 基于最小二乘法的正交多项式级数在谐波估计中的应用

    Application to harmonics ' statistic with orthogonal polynomials series based on least squares method

  11. 正交幂级数预失真放大器分析

    Analysis of a quadrature power series predistortion amplifier

  12. 关于按一些正交多项式级数展开的研究

    Study on Series Expansion by Some Orthogonal Polynomials

  13. 利用基于最小二乘法的正交多项式级数来逼近谐波的概率密度函数并估计其95%不超过概率值。

    This paper uses orthogonal polynomials series based on least squares method to approximate probability density function of harmonics and estimate 95 % non-exceeding probability values .

  14. 本文利用正交多项式级数部分和的最佳近似性,推出了求解结构动力响应的付里叶-厄密多项式展开法。

    This paper employs the best approximation of part series sum of normal polynomials , and propeses a new method with the Fourier-Hermite polynomial expansion expressing structural dynamic responses .

  15. 本文利用正交模级数法和高频渐近解法分析了球面上孔径型天线之间的互耦问题,导出了计算互耦的公式。

    Both the orthogonal modal series method and the high-frequncy asymptotic evaluation method are used to analyse the mutual coupling between two apertures on a perfectly-conducting sphere . The computational formulas of mutual coupling are derived .

  16. 在实现有限区间信号二进尺度正交小波级数分解中,创新性地提出二进尺度小波级数分解的4步分解模型。

    In realizing Dyadic orthonormal Wavelet Transform of the signal with limited time zone , this paper puts forward a model with 4 steps to decompose the signal into series through Dyadic orthonormal Wavelet Transform of the signal .

  17. 应用正交函数系级数展开法分析结构的理论,以带附加补充项的Fourier级数作为挠度函数模式,求解了Pasternak地基上自由边矩形板的弯曲问题。

    In this paper , through structure analysis by means of orthogonal function system expansion , a Fourier series solution for the bending problem of the rectangular plates with free edges on Pasternak foundation is reached .

  18. 一般多项式都可以展开为正交多项式的级数形式,而勒让德多项式、厄米特多项式和拉盖尔多项式都是典型的正交多项式。

    All ordinary polynomials have series expansion of orthogonal polynomials , while Legendre polynomials , Hermite polynomials and Laguerre polynomials are special orthogonal polynomials .

  19. 在此基础上,根据弹性地基梁模型,将管线周围土体位移正交展开为余弦级数的形式,获得了地震作用下腐蚀管线位移反应和应力反应的解析表达式。

    Based on such a pipeline corrosion model , an elastic foundation beam model is employed to express the seismic displacement and stress of pipeline as orthogonal cosine series .