
  • 网络raw information
  1. 零次信息是一切信息产生的源信息。零次信息具有独立性、直接性、内容新、传递快、准确性差、收集困难等特点。

    Zero-ary information is the source information of all information .

  2. 零次信息及其交流传递透明翻译与零位信息补偿

    The Communication and Transfer of Zeroth Information " Zero Message " in Translation

  3. 图书馆讲座的零次信息属性与开发利用

    The Attributes , Development and Utilization of the Zero Information in the Library Lectures

  4. 在解释零次信息概念和特点的基础上,探讨了影响零次信息交流和传递的障碍,并提出了解决零次信息交流障碍的具体方法。

    Based on explaining the concept and features of the zeroth information , this paper probes into the obstacles influencing the communication and transfer of the zeroth information , and advances some concrete methods for resolving the communication obstacles of the zeroth information .