
  1. 西万尼在法国阿尔萨斯(Alsace)大量种植,但却在雷司令(Riesling)和琼瑶浆(Gewurztraminer)的映衬下黯然失色。

    It flourishes in the Alsace region of France , where it 's all but overshadowed by Riesling and Gewurztraminer .

  2. 不仅仅是雷司令,来自德国的其他带有浓郁花香的葡萄酒也会流行起来,比如琼瑶浆(Gewurztraminer)。

    But it will not only be German Riesling , it will be other floral wines from the region , such as Gewurztraminer , that will gain in popularity too .

  3. 2009年玛尔玛酒庄(MarimarEstate)产黑皮诺,26欧元雷司令

    and 2009 Marimar Estate Pinot Noir , EUR26

  4. 雷司令二次果的酒中富含必需氨基酸和Zn,但酒中苹果酸过高。

    Wine from lateral berry contains richer essential amino acid and Zn , but excessive malic acid in White Riesling .

  5. 大家品尝的下一种酒是2010年的Smith-Madrone纳帕谷雷司令(Smith-MadroneNapaValleyRiesling),它成了所有人的最爱。

    The next wine , the 2010 Smith-Madrone Napa Valley Riesling , was a universal favorite .

  6. 雷司令也生长在阿尔萨斯(Alsace)、澳大利亚、俄勒冈州和加利福尼亚州。

    Riesling is also grown in Alsace , Australia , Oregon and California .

  7. 2011年份干露酒庄(ConchayToro)产科尔特-伊格纳西奥(CorteIgnacio)卡萨布兰卡谷(Casablanca)雷司令,10欧元

    and 2011 Concha y Toro Corte Ignacio Casablanca Riesling , EUR10 Sauvignon Blanc

  8. 由于葡萄园散落着板岩(slate)的碎片,莫泽尔(Mosel)的雷司令(Riesling)葡萄酒有时候被形容为“板岩般(slaty)”。

    Mosel Rieslings , often grown on vineyards littered with shards of slate , are sometimes described as " slaty . "

  9. 我们在那里有一个小型酒窖,今年我非常开心地欣赏了一下定期从莫泽尔地区(themosel)运来的风格清爽的德国雷司令(germanriesling)。

    We keep a small cellar there , and this year I dipped with delight into the stocks of refreshing German Riesling that I ship in regularly from the Mosel .

  10. 如果你没有一个阿尔萨斯祖母为你烹制加了山葵的炖牛肉或雷司令炖煮的鸡肉,温暖而装满木梁的Fink’Stuebel饭店是个不错的替代品。

    If you don 't have an Alsatian grandmother to cook you boiled beef with horseradish or riesling-braised chicken , Fink'Stuebel is a warm , wood-beamed substitute .

  11. 他说,首先,西万尼“和格鲁纳绿维特利纳、白皮诺(PinotBlanc)及雷司令一样,都属于口感干爽、带矿物香的旧大陆白葡萄”,而这一类葡萄品种繁多,竞争激烈。

    For starters , he said , it 's in the middle of a very crowded and competitive category of ' crisp , minerally , old-world white wines like Gruner Veltliner , Pinot Blanc and Riesling . '

  12. 与英国和美国大多数长期痴迷于德国葡萄酒的爱好者相比,我爱好的是德国雷司令(rieslings)干葡萄酒,尤其是德国较温暖地区产的这种酒。

    Compared with the majority of long-standing German wine enthusiasts in the UK and us , I am enthusiastic about dry Rieslings from Germany , especially the warmer parts of Germany .

  13. 在巴黎的IlVino餐厅里,没有菜单,也没有酒单。顾客们的食物和酒都是老板恩里科·伯纳多认为是合他们的胃口并因此安排的;有时是一瓶雷司令酒和牛肉泥,或是一瓶沙文尼亚酒和布列塔尼酸模龙虾。

    In Il Vino in Paris ( no menu , no wine list ) customers are given the food and wine that Enrico Bernado thinks they will enjoy , such as Riesling with beef tartare , or a Savenni è res and Brittany lobster with sorrel .

  14. 太好了,先生。一瓶私藏的雷司令葡萄酒。

    Very well , sir ; one bottle of Riesling Cabinet .

  15. 雷司令这个来自德国的古老品种特别受到品酒行家好评。

    This ancient variety from Germany is particularly popular with oenophiles .

  16. 这是黑品诺或雷司令葡萄酒中一种渴望得到的性质。

    A desirable quality in wines such as Pinot Noir or Riesling .

  17. 现在品尝//2012年托勒酒庄(WeingutThorle)石灰岩土壤产雷司令,24欧元;

    Drinking Now / / 2012 Weingut Thorle Riesling Kalkstein , EUR24 ;

  18. “新鲜的苹果”是否相同,对于某些类型的雷司令。

    " Fresh apples " does the same for some types of Riesling .

  19. 我推荐您喝私藏的雷司令葡萄酒,先生。

    I would recommend the Riesling Cabinet , sir .

  20. 一款清新的雷司令,回味长久。

    A lively Riesling that lingers on your palate for a long time .

  21. 空气犹如雷司令酒般清新

    And air as crisp as a late-harvest Riesling .

  22. 雷司令葡萄反季果酿酒特性研究

    The Making-Wine Characteristics of Counter-Season Fruit on the Grapevines

  23. 汽油味的:品尝术语,用于描述油味,常出现在优质,陈年的雷司令酒中。

    Nose : Tasting term used to indicate the aroma and bouquet of a wine .

  24. 雷司令这位葡萄皇后塑造了德国白葡萄酒所享有的全球声誉。

    Resling , the grape queen has molded the global prestige of German white wine .

  25. 最好的雷司令总是口味清爽的。

    The very best are always refreshing .

  26. 例如夏敦埃酒或者雷司令酒等白酒;白色勃艮第酒;白色意大利酒。

    White wines such as chardonnays or rieslings ; a white burgundy ; white Italian wines .

  27. 这款酒的雷司令产自著名的萨尔河陡坡的博士顿葡萄园,晶莹透沏,清淡美味。

    Delicious , light and crystal clear Kabinett from a famous steep slope of the river Saar .

  28. 雷司令属于,也应当属于干型葡萄酒,我相信不久的将来,越来越多的人会将干白葡萄酒作为自己的首选。

    Riesling is dry and I believe that in future people will increasingly seek dry white wines .

  29. 隔壁的精品店出售瓶装版本的葡萄酒,从灰皮诺、雷司令到黑皮诺都有。

    The adjacent boutique sells the bottled versions , from pinot gris to riesling to pinot noir .

  30. 1997年对葡萄新品种爱格丽及对照品种赛美容、雷司令的酿酒特性进行研究。结果表明;

    Studied on the vinification characteristics of new grape variety Ecolly and contrast varieties Semillon and Riesling in1995-1997 .