
  1. 在瑞雷波相速度的计算方面以往主要采用常规的Fourier变换。

    Traditional Fourier transform is usually chosen to get the phase velocity of Rayleigh waves .

  2. 瑞雷波由英国学者瑞雷(Rayleigh)于1887年首先在理论上确定的。

    Rayleigh wave was firstly defined theoretically in 1887 by British scholar Rayleigh .

  3. 第一部分详细介绍层析成象(CT)和瑞雷波勘探方法的研究历史,并指出了当前存在的问题。

    The first one expounds the research history of computerized tomography ( CT ) and Rayleigh wave exploration , and points out some currently existing problems .

  4. 瞬态瑞雷波反演横波的SVD算法及其应用

    SVD algorithm and application of shear wave velocity inversion for instantaneous Rayleigh wave

  5. 通过对记录进行零漂校正、F-K滤波、切除等预处理方法,提高了瞬态瑞雷波勘探的精度和深度。

    By using zero shill rectifying , digital filter and cutting , the precision and depth of transient Rayleigh wave exploration can be considerably improved .

  6. 在地面沉陷区域,层状结构被打破,瑞雷波速度存在明显差异,特别在冒落区和煤柱上方,其速度断面图多呈V字型分布。

    In subsided areas , obvious differences in Rayleigh wave velocity are in existence , especially above subsided areas and coal pillars and the velocity section shows itself mainly in ″ V ″ type .

  7. 基于OCCAM算法的瑞雷波频散曲线快速稳定反演

    A fast and reliable OCCAM algorithm for inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves

  8. 由于地球表面介质的非完全弹性,致使在其中传播的瑞雷波速度随频率的变化而变化,这种现象被称为瑞雷波(Rayleighwave)的频散现象。

    Because of the no complete flexibility of the earth 's surface medium , the Rayleigh Wave velocity that spread in it changes with frequency . This kind of phenomenon is called the dispersion phenomenon of the Rayleigh Wave .

  9. 利用高分辨率地震波的识别方法及大能量瑞雷波法V字型分布特征进行探测,进而综合分析探测成果,可以十分有效地圈定采空区的赋存状态,精度高,定位准确。

    By the use of high resolution seismic wave diagnostics and large energy Rayleigh wave ″ V ″ type features , to comprehensively analyze the prospecting results , can effectively locate goaf occurrences with high accuracy and exact positioning .

  10. 相邻道瑞雷波法是首先从共炮点记录中采用τ~p变换法分离出瑞雷波,然后采用相邻道计算频散曲线,进而通过反演获取横波速度及物性参数。

    Adjacent-channel transient wave method is a new shallow seismic method . It uses the Rayleigh wave separated from CMP record by τ~ p transform , and then calculates adjacent-channel dispersion curves , while the s-wave velocity and physical parameters of media are obtained by means of inversion method .

  11. 本文讨论了利用国际部署加速度仪台网(IDA)的超长周期瑞雷波记录,反演震源参数的有关理论和方法。

    In this paper , the method and theory relevant to inversion for source parameters by using long-period Rayleigh waves on IDA accelerograms ( International Deployment of Accelerograph ) are discussed .

  12. 后来雷波诺列夫发现,为这幅作品,布维尔只付给卖主纽约交易商亚历山大·巴利什(AlexanderParish)与罗伯特·西蒙(RobertSimon)7500万到8000万美元左右,便对布维尔发起了诉讼。

    Mr. Rybolovlev sued Mr. Bouvier after discovering that he had paid the sellers , the New York dealers Alexander Parish and Robert Simon , between $ 75 million and $ 80 million for the work .

  13. 本文首先通过建立三种不同层状介质模型,通过ANSYS有限元数值模拟和理论计算得到相应的频散曲线,通过分析频散曲线形态和波速大小表明ANSYS有限元数值可以模拟瞬态瑞雷波法。

    It is shown that ANSYS finite element numerical method can be used to simulate the transient Rayleigh wave through analyzing dispersion curve shapes and wave velocity . Then , three typical sections are selected according to the borehole data and the model of numerical calculation is built .

  14. 地震数据处理中压制频散瑞雷波通常是利用其低频特征采用高通滤波,或利用其低视速度传播特征采用f-K滤波的方法来实现。

    In seismic data processing , the dispersive Rayleigh waves ' being compressed may be realized by use of high-pass filtering method in consideration of their low frequency features or by applying f-k filtering method according to their low apparent velocity propagating characteristics .

  15. 利用瞬态瑞雷波法进行提速路基稳定性检测

    Stability detection of raising-speed subgrade by using instantaneous Rayleigh wave method

  16. 多层介质中瑞雷波传播的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of the Propagation of Rayleigh Wave in Multi-layer-medium

  17. 浅析瑞雷波法检测复合地基承载力

    Detection of bearing pressure on composite foundation with Rayleigh wave method

  18. 瑞雷波法涉及的问题也大致归结为三个方面:第一是数据的采集和处理;

    It involves three problems : the first is data collection ;

  19. 雷波地区古岩溶发育特征及古环境

    Paleokarst developmental characteristics and paleoenvironment of Leibo area , southwest Sichuan

  20. 介绍用瑞雷波法检测金属矿山采空区。

    Prospecting metal mine goafs by Rayleigh wave method is introduced .

  21. 瑞雷波法在岩土工程检测中的应用

    The application of Rayleigh wave method in rock and soil engineering detection

  22. 影响瞬态瑞雷波勘探精度的因素探讨

    Research on the Factors Affecting the Precision of Transient Rayleigh Wave Exploration

  23. 应用瑞雷波检验评价碎石桩复合地基

    Application of Rayleigh Wave Technology in Inspecting Composite Foundation of Gravel Pile

  24. 起伏二维地表模型瑞雷波场正演研究

    Study on Rayleigh-wave Filed Forward of Two-dimensional Rolling Ground Model

  25. 瑞雷波法在路基密实度无损检测中的应用

    Application of Rayleigh wave test to the subgrade compactness detection

  26. 瞬态瑞雷波勘探实测数据处理及其可视化研究

    Research on Data Processing and Visualization of the Transient Rayleigh Wave Exploration

  27. 瞬态瑞雷波勘探在工程地质勘测中的应用研究

    Application of transient Rayleigh wave exploration to engineering geological survey

  28. 瞬态瑞雷波技术在尾矿库工程勘察中的应用

    Application of Transient Rayleigh Wave Technology to the Tailing Pond Engineering Exploration

  29. 互相关法在瑞雷波数据处理中的分析与应用

    Analysis and Application of Cross-correlation Method Used in Rayleigh Wave Data Processing

  30. 瞬态瑞雷波法检测堆石体地基的强夯效果

    Inspection of compaction effect on rock-filled foundation by Rayleigh wave