
  1. 文章对有关文献中各种购买力平价偏离模型进行了综合分析,阐明了生产率、政府支出、货币供给、偏好需求和定价策略等基本因素作用于实际汇率的经济机制。

    This thesis makes a synthesized analysis over models on real exchange rate misalignment from PPP , and concludes that the fundamental factors such as productivity , government expenditure , money supply , preferable demand and pricing strategy , all have a serious impact on real exchange rate .

  2. 大规模定制产品的客户需求识别及定价策略分析

    Customers Demands Indentify and Analysis of Pricing Strategies under Mass Customization

  3. 尤其是近年来伴随着网络销售的出现和高科技的应用,基于需求的动态定价策略愈发显示出日益重要的意义。

    Especially , with the coming of e-commerce and the application of new technology in recent years , dynamic pricing based on demand are more important than ever .

  4. 文章基于我国铁路货运的实际情况,提出了铁路货运业的收益管理系统的理论框架,认为铁路货运收益管理系统应包括市场细分需求预测、定价策略、运力分配和路径优化五个方面的内容。

    A theoretical framework of railway freight revenue management was described based on the actual situation of china railway freight industry . The framework includes market segmentation , demand forecast , pricing strategy , transport capacity distribution and path optimization .

  5. 具有弹性需求收费道路的定价策略分析

    Pricing strategies in toll road network with elastic demand

  6. 基于需求的实时网络定价策略

    Real-time Internet Pricing Scheme Based on Demand

  7. 电子商务中软件厂商的差别定价基于需求的实时网络定价策略

    On the Discriminative Pricing Mechanism of Software Companies in Electronic Business Real-time Internet Pricing Scheme Based on Demand

  8. 基于对网络使用者实际流量的信息,本文提出了一种实时的网络定价策略&基于需求的实时网络定价策略。

    Based on the information of the real flux of consumers in the internet , this paper proposes a real-time internet pricing scheme-real-time internet pricing scheme based on demand ( RIPD ) .

  9. 我国在银行中间业务收费逐渐市场化的前提下,商业银行应充分考虑客户需求,实行需求导向的定价策略。

    Under the premise of the charge of bank intermediary operation becoming market-oriented in China , the commercial banks should fully consider the clients ' demands and carry demand-oriented priced plan into effect .

  10. 在这一条件下,根据古诺模型求得线性需求下有信息共享的最优定价策略。(4)将线性需求的差别定价策略拓展到需求价格弹性为常数的情况。

    The text obtain the optimal pricing strategy based on Cournot model . ( 4 ) Expanding price discrimination under linear demand to the situation that price elasticity of demand is a constant .