
  • 网络hall thruster
  1. 圆柱形霍尔推力器的内磁极刻蚀研究

    The Research about Inner Magnetic Pole Etched of Cylindrical Hall Thruster

  2. 霍尔推力器是一种广泛应用的电推进装置。

    Hall Thruster is a widely used electric propulsion device .

  3. 自从上个世纪七十年代诞生以来,霍尔推力器已经取得了很好的工程化应用。

    Engineering applications have achieved since the seventies of last century .

  4. 霍尔推力器内部等离子体流场数值分析

    Numerical analysis on inner plasma flow of hall effect thruster

  5. 霍尔推力器通道内磁场对放电特性的影响研究

    Effect of Magnetic Field on Discharge Characteristics in Channel of Hall Thrusters

  6. 变截面通道霍尔推力器的理论及实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Research on Hall Thrusters with Variable Cross-Section

  7. 霍尔推力器高频电磁辐射的实验研究

    Experimental Study on High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation in Hall Thruster

  8. 霍尔推力器的器壁腐蚀是制约推力器的寿命的主要因素。

    Wall erosion of Hall thruster is the major factor that restricts the lifetime .

  9. 霍尔推力器传导沟槽对近壁传导影响的粒子模拟

    Particle-In-Cell Simulation of the Influence of Conductive Groove on Near Wall Conductivity in Hall Thrusters

  10. 磁场强度对霍尔推力器放电特性影响的实验研究

    On the role of magnetic field intensity effects on the discharge characteristics of Hall thrusters

  11. 因此,研制高功率,高性能指标的霍尔推力器成为其发展的主流方向之一。

    Therefore , designing high power and high performance HET will become one of major development directions .

  12. 本文的主要工作有:对霍尔推力器振荡问题研究现状进行综述。

    The main work in this article includes : The oscillation of Hall thruster researching issues were reviewed .

  13. 随着霍尔推力器放电电压的提高,羽流源离子能量分布会相应向高能量方向偏移。

    When increasing thruster discharge voltage , the ion energy distribution will move to the direction of high energy .

  14. 丰富并且成功的飞行应用经验证明霍尔推力器具有作为未来航天主推进装置的优势。

    Rich and successful flight application experience has proved that HET has advantages to serve as the main propulsion device .

  15. 该系统的建立为国内开展霍尔推力器高频振荡的研究建立了一个基础平台。

    The establishment of the system to carry out the domestic high-frequency oscillation of Hall thruster research has established a basic platform .

  16. 实验结果表明:霍尔推力器羽流离子主要由电荷交换碰撞产生的低能量离子和高能量源离子组成;

    These experimental results indicate that the hall thruster plume is comprised of both low energy charge exchange ( CEX ) and high energy source ions .

  17. 最后,从磁场位形对电子运动影响的作用角度,详细说明霍尔推力器通道内磁场设计的三个重要参数在推力器进行磁场设计时的作用。

    Finally , the important function of magnetic field parameters in Hall thruster is summarized based on the influence of the magnetic field on electron motion .

  18. 为了有效抑制霍尔推力器羽流区低温等离子体的各种污染,改善其工作性能,有必要对其羽流区等离子体参数进行准确测量。

    In order to effectively control the pollution of the Hall thruster and improve its performance , it is necessary to accurately measure its plume plasma parameters .

  19. 然而,由于霍尔推力器工作物理过程的复杂性,当前关于电子近壁传导对电子电流的贡献作用的评估依然没有定论。

    However , due to complexity physical processes of hall thruster , the contribution of near wall conduction of electronic to current is still without any definite conclusion .

  20. 本文使用阻滞势分析器对霍尔推力器羽流的离子能量分布进行了实验研究,获得了推力器在不同工况下羽流场中关注位置的离子能量分布状况。

    Retarding potential analyzer ( RPA ) had been used to measure the ion energy distribution at a certain location downstream of the low-power hall thruster at various status .

  21. 霍尔推力器具有高效率、高比冲的优点,在卫星的位置保持和姿态控制中得到了广泛应用。

    Hall thruster , with the advantages of high efficiency , high specific impulse , has been widely used in the location maintainment of the satellite and attitude control .

  22. 其次文章总结了霍尔推力器中磁聚焦的基本原理,得出调节磁场可以改变通道中电势分布的结论。

    This chapter summarized the principle of magnetic lens in Hall thruster , the result indicated that the potential distribution in chamber could be changed by adjusting the magnetic field .

  23. 到目前为止,霍尔推力器作为一种应用广泛的静电推进装置,其工程设计理论已经非常成熟。

    Hall thruster , as a kind of electrostatic propulsion device which is widely used , has reached a stage that the engineering design theory about it has been very mature .

  24. 霍尔推力器以其体积小,重量轻,比冲高,寿命长等优点广泛应用于小卫星的姿态控制和轨道保持等方面。

    Hall thrusters have been used widely in orbit correction and station-keeping of geostationary satellites for the advantage of small size , light weight , high specific impulse , and long life .

  25. 霍尔推力器以其特有的高比冲、高效率的优势被广泛应用于卫星推进及深空探测等任务。

    Hall thruster ( HET ) has been widely used as the satellites propulsion and in the deep space exploration missions since its advantages such as the high specific impulse and high efficiency .

  26. 霍尔推力器羽流中的离子能量分布情况对于评估推力器羽流影响,优化推力器在航天器上的布局具有重要意义。

    The ion energy distribution in the plasma exhaust plume of a hall thruster is important to evaluate the influence of the hall thruster plume and optimize the thruster position on the spacecraft .

  27. 突变截面通道霍尔推力器解决了低流量下霍尔推力器工质利用率的问题,但是其羽流发散角较大制约了大范围的工程应用。

    Hall thrusters with variable cross-section channel have better propellant utilization when the propellant mass flow rate is small . However , the bad plume focalization deters this kind of Hall thruster from booming in engineering applications .

  28. 低频振荡是霍尔推力器工作过程中不可避免的现象,与推力器内部的电离和加速过程有着密切的关系,并对推力器性能有着严重的影响。

    The low frequency oscillation is an inevitable phenomenon in the working hall thruster , it is closely associated with the ionization and acceleration processes , and has a serious impact on the performance of the hall thruster .

  29. 由于目前以相似理论为基础设计出的霍尔推力器普遍具有窄放电通道,大体积,高重量等结构特点,使得高功率霍尔推力器结构不够优化,整体推重比较小。

    Current HETs designed based on similarity theory have structure characteristics of narrow channel width , large volume , and high weight , which cause the structure is not sufficiently optimized and hence the overall thrust-weight ratio is small .

  30. 霍尔推力器作为一种等离子体装置,以其高效率高比冲等特点成为国际电推进领域的研究热点,广泛应用在姿态控制,轨道转移及将来的深空探测任务。

    A Hall thruster , with its high-efficiency and high specific impulse , is one of the most important electric propulsion devices widely used for spacecraft propulsion such as attitude control , orbital transfer and deep space exploration missions in the future .