
  • 网络hoyt;hoyte;Justin Hoyte
  1. 凯德公司的凯瑟琳·凯德和霍伊特与皮卡德文学社的人

    Katharine Kidde of Kidde , Hoyt And Picard Literary Agency ,

  2. 经过4年的马拉松比赛,霍伊特队参加了他们的第一个铁人三项。

    After 4 years of marathons , Team Hoyt went for their first triathlon .

  3. 二十年以来,霍伊特一家(也就是论文中所提到的“H”一家)的遭遇,也成为了医学界的悲剧范本。

    For twenty years , the Hoyts , who were described in the paper simply as " the ' H " family , " served as a sad exemplar in medical literature .

  4. 53岁的彼得·霍伊特(PeterHoyt)是佩奇在卡德西的邻居。清晨散步时,他经常停下来与佩奇聊天。霍伊特说,听说是佩奇实施了如此暴行,他感到非常“震惊”。

    Peter Hoyt , 53 , a neighbor of Mr. Page 's in Cudahy who often stopped to chat with him during morning walks , said he was " stunned " that the man he had known could have done something so violent .

  5. 没有人同霍伊特队交谈。

    No one talked to Team Hoyt .

  6. “他的行径极端残忍,他折磨我们的孩子的手段令人发指,”霍伊特说。

    " What he did was so horrendous , how he tortured our children ," Hoyt said .

  7. 那是“霍伊特队”在参与更多马拉松前的第一次竞赛。

    That run was the first time " Team Hoyt " competing before they participated more marathons .

  8. 霍伊特表示,佩奇曾透露,他在6月上旬与女朋友分了手。

    Mr. Page , he said , told him that he had broken up with a girlfriend in early June .

  9. 最后,尽管埃布和霍伊特都干得不错,我们并不是非得等到劳伦和克里希回归不可。

    Lastly , although Eboue and Hoyte have done ok , I can 't wait for Lauren and Clichy to come back .

  10. 父亲(迪克霉伊特)和儿子(里克霍伊特)参加过很多马拉松、铁人三项和其他体育竞赛。

    Father ( Dick Hoyt ) and son ( Rick Hoyt ) have joined many marathons , triathlons and other athletic competitions .

  11. 根据相关记录,他被列为心理战专业军士,从未被派往海外作战。然而霍伊特说,他曾谈论过战争。

    Listed as a psychological operations specialist , he was never deployed overseas , according to the records , although Mr. Hoyt said he had talked about combat .

  12. 据邻居霍伊特所说,佩奇声称自己在9月11日之后应征入伍,但军方的记录显示,1998年之后,他就与军队脱离了关系。

    Although Mr. Hoyt , his neighbor , said Mr. Page had claimed that he enlisted in the Army after Sept. 11 , Army records show that he separated from the military in 1998 .