
  • 【人名】Wallace Huo
  1. 幸运的是,霍建华是一个十分支持自己、又对家庭负责的男人。

    Fortunately , Wallace has been a very supportive and involved family man .

  2. 无论如何,还是要祝福霍建华和林心如这对情侣,愿他们永远幸福。

    Still , let 's be happy for them and wish them all the best for their future together .

  3. 剧中女主角乌拉那拉·如懿将由周迅饰演,皇帝则由霍建华饰演。

    Female lead Wulanala Ru Yi will be played by Zhou Xun , and the emperor will be played by Wallace Huo .

  4. 丈夫霍建华最近忙于拍摄新的电视剧,他也不想每天都因为工作原因而离开女儿。

    With husband Wallace Huo currently busy filming his new series , he has been reluctant to leave their daughter for work every day .

  5. 在出席的一场珠宝活动上,她谈及了自己的家庭生活,并称霍建华是一个十分支持自己的丈夫,也是一个称职的爸爸。

    Making an appearance at a jewelry event , Ruby spoke about life at home and Wallace Huo as a very supportive husband and involved father .

  6. 霍建华表示:收到很多朋友的询问。是的,我和心如要结婚了,谢谢大家的关心!

    Wallace Huo : Having received a lot of enquiries from my friends Yes , Ruby and I are getting married , thanks for everyone 's concern !

  7. 继胡歌与霍建华之后,《仙剑奇侠传5》的主演韩东君会成为下一名仙剑巨星么?

    After Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua , will Han Dongjun , who will play the lead in Chinese Paladin 5 , be the next big Paladin star ?

  8. 随着林心如、霍建华选择在巴厘岛举行婚礼,中国游客对这座印度尼西亚海岛城市的兴趣大增。

    As Ruby Lin and Wallace Huo chose Bali as their wedding location , the Indonesian coastal island city is experiencing a surge in interest from Chinese tourists .

  9. 据报道,36岁的霍建华与40岁的林心如将于本月月底在巴厘岛举办婚礼。

    Wallace Huo Jian Hua , 36 , and Ruby Lin Xin Ru , 40 , will be getting married in Bali Island at the end of the month .

  10. 几个月之后,在5月20日(中国将其称为520,与“我爱你”谐音)当天,霍建华公开了与林心如的恋情。

    And a few months later , on 20th May ( also known as the day of 520 - I love you - in chinese ) , Wallace declared that he is dating Ruby !

  11. 而即将开拍的《如懿传》,周迅同该片男主角扮演者霍建华,二人共计拿走1.5亿元人民币(2250万美元)。第四位:黄晓明。

    She and fellow leading actor will star in the upcoming TV series Ruyi 's Royal Love in the Palace , with both stars set to receive close to 150 million yuan ( 22.5 million US dollars ) combined .

  12. 由于林心如在五月份要拍摄新的电视剧,她强调了和霍建华协调时间的重要性,因此这样可以保证至少有一个人会在台湾的家里照看他们的女儿。

    Since Ruby is going to film her new series in May , she stressed the importance of coordinating her schedule with Wallace , so at least one of them is home to take care of their daughter in Taiwan .

  13. 在2016年开年之前,外界纷纷猜测言承旭和林心如有可能已经秘密相恋。然而,人们并不知道,就在两人扑朔迷离的关系传开一个月之后,霍建华在林心如40岁的生日派对上可能已经对其表白。

    Right before 2016 , we were discussing the possibility of a romance between Jerry Yan , and Ruby Lin. Little did we know that one month later , at Ruby Lin 's 40th birthday party , Wallace Huo would finally confess to her .

  14. 方兰(周迅饰)是一位热诚的小学教师,和妈妈(叶德娴饰)住在香港,在男友(霍建华饰)决定为日军工作时,与其分手。

    An earnest primary-school teacher , Fang Lan ( Zhou Xun ) , lives with her mother ( Nina Paw ) in Hong Kong , and finds herself single when her boyfriend , Wing ( Wallace Huo Chienhwa ) , decides to work for the Japanese .