
  • 网络Horst;holst;Foerster
  1. 欧洲体育用品行业联合会(FederationoftheEuropeanSportingGoodsIndustry)主席霍斯特•维德曼(HorstWidmann)表示:延续这些关税将是对欧盟反倾销政策的一次嘲弄,并将重启造成分歧的争论。

    Horst Widmann , president of the European sporting goods industry federation , said : An extension would make a mockery of the EU 's anti-dumping policy and reopen a divisive debate .

  2. 在丰厚她的教学任务,Schach还经常帮助她的丈夫,霍斯特,设计在肯塔基州的兰草国家的马场,包括几个沙特阿拉伯王室成员。

    In additon to her teaching duties , Schach often helps her husband , Horst , design horse farms in Kentucky 's bluegrass country , including several for members of the Saudi Arabian royal family .

  3. LG的皮特•郝仑霍斯特表示弯曲更好。

    LG 's Pete Hollenhorst says curved is better .

  4. 他说名字为银河天空的公司是当地一家公司其负责一段连接W和其临省霍斯特的公路。

    He said the company named Galaxy Sky were a local firm which is in charge of construction of a road connecting Waza Zadran to neighboring Khost province .

  5. 4月4日,德国籍女摄影师AnjaNiedringhaus在阿富汗的霍斯特省被一名警察开枪打死。

    Am 4 . April erschie ß t ein Polizist in der afghanischen Provinz Ghost die deutsche Fotografin Anja Niedringhaus .

  6. 根据ESPN记者布莱恩·温德霍斯特的爆料,本赛季,快船方面多次出现在莱恩纳德的比赛中,快船队从本质上就好像招聘大学新生一样对待伦纳德,对此猛龙队的管理层已有所注意。

    The Clippers have essentially been treating Leonard like a college recruit this season by showing up to plenty of his games , according to a report by ESPN 's Brian Windhorst , and Toronto officials have noticed .

  7. EvercoreISI分析师阿恩特•埃林霍斯特(ArndtEllinghorst)表示,中国购车者似乎比西方买家的联网程度还要高,部分原因是中国买家的平均年龄为36岁,比美国年轻10岁,比德国年轻20岁。

    Arndt Ellinghorst , at Evercore ISI , said Chinese car buyers appear to be even more connected than people in the western world , in part because the average buyer is 36 years old - 10 years younger than in the US and 20 years younger than in Germany .

  8. 菲力浦公园的两边是比利大道及艾尔姆霍斯特大街。

    Phillips Park was bordered by Pelee Boulevard and Elmhurst .

  9. 送丹尼去德文霍斯特是应该的

    that Devonhurst is the right thing for Daniel .

  10. 届时德国总统霍斯特•科勒先生将到场出席。

    German president Horst K ö hler is also expected to attend the event .

  11. 去德文霍斯特的路上我们少言寡语

    We didn 't say much to each other on the drive to Devonhurst ,

  12. 我接受霍斯特作为我们的人质。

    I will accept Hoster as our hostage .

  13. 他就是35岁的亚利桑那州毕业生查德•霍斯特曼。

    35-year-old Arizona State grad Chad Horstman .

  14. 无法阻止沙恩霍斯特号和格奈泽鲁号战列巡洋舰在光天化日之下驶过多佛尔。

    Yet this did not prevent the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau passing Dover in broad daylight .

  15. 昨天在霍斯特市的战斗持续了6个多小时。

    The fighting raged on for more than six hours yesterday in the city of Khost .

  16. 正如霍斯特所说的那样,我期待着我们共同出访非洲。

    I am looking forward to our joint visit to Africa , as Horst has mentioned .

  17. 厌烦了乏味的毕加索、罗思科和霍斯特?太空之石如何?

    Tired of boring picassos , rothkos and hirsts ? How about a stone from space ?

  18. 霍斯特博士说:我们的研究显示,在某种程度上,少即是多。

    Dr Horst said : ' We are showing that less is more , to a point .

  19. 霍斯特1923年出生在维也纳,母亲是罗马天主教徒,父亲是犹太人。

    Horst had been born in Vienna in1923 , to a Roman Catholic mother and Jewish father .

  20. 德国笑话的典型例子包括:昨天,我在医院遇到了我的朋友霍斯特。

    Examples of German jokes include : ' Yesterday , I met my friend Horst at the hospital .

  21. 他两次都没能通过桑德霍斯特(英国陆军官校所在地)军事学院的入学考试,第三次才极为勉强地被接受。

    He also failed the entrance test to Sandhurst Military College twice and scraped through on the third attempt .

  22. 据艾德慕偶尔写给她的信中所言,从那之后,霍斯特公爵再没提过弟弟的名字。

    Lord Hoster had not spoken his brother 's name since , from what Edmure told her in his infrequent letters .

  23. “6月8日,在最后从纳维克撤退时,英国的光荣号航空母舰,被德国的沙恩霍斯特号和格奈泽鲁号战列巡洋舰击沉。

    In the final withdrawal from Narvik , the aircraft carrier Glorious was sunk by the Scharnhorst and the Gneisenau on 8 June .

  24. 霍斯特政府发言人穆巴雷兹·穆罕默德·札德兰确认了此次绑架并表示排雷人员在没有通知阿富汗安全部队他们行程的情况下行进。

    Khost government spokesman Mubarez Mohammad Zadran confirmed the kidnapping and said the deminers had travelled without informing Afghan security forces of their itinerary .

  25. 排雷人员,其为位于阿富汗的地雷探测中心工作,在被绑走时正在从穆萨克尔区前往霍斯特的路上。

    The deminers , who work for Afghanistan-based Mine Detection Center ( MDC ), were on their way from Musa Khel district to Khost when they were snatched .

  26. 出色的后卫吉奥瓦尼-范布隆霍斯特在第79分钟时打了一个防守反击,进了第三个球,最终让意大利队遭遇了欧洲杯历史上最惨重的失败。

    Standout defender Giovanni van Bronckhorst added the third on a counterattack in the79th minute to give Italy its most lopsided loss in the history of the tournament .

  27. 萨塞克斯大学词语实验室的杰西卡?霍斯特博士设计了一个实验,以了解三岁大的幼童能多快地识别和记忆六个新单词。

    Dr Jessica Horst , of the University of Sussex 's WORD Lab devised an experiment to check how quickly three-year-olds could recognise and recall six new words .

  28. 事件发生在霍斯特的边缘,是霍斯特省的首府,省警察总长阿卜杜勒·哈基姆·艾沙卡伊将军告诉法新社。

    The incident took place on the edge of Khost , capital of the province of the same name , provincial police chief General Abdul Hakim Eshaqzai told AFP .

  29. 他是霍斯特公爵的弟弟,虽只相差五岁,但自凯特琳有记忆起,两人便已不和。

    He was Lord Hoster 's brother , younger by five years , but the two of them had been at war as far back as Catelyn could remember .

  30. 我也对我的朋友霍斯特.科勒在过去两年的友好合作以及他今天上午周到的发言表示感谢。

    I also thank my friend , Horst Koehler , for a collegial and cooperative working relationship in the last two years , and for his thoughtful speech this morning .