
  1. 大型露天采矿场防控洪水探讨

    Discussion on Flood Control and Prevention of Large Open Pit

  2. 德兴铜矿露天采矿场运输道路特征及维护技术

    The features and maintenance techniques of haulage road in the open pit of Dexing Copper Mine

  3. 尽管看起来或许不如露天采矿场般那么令人怵目惊心,但以某种程度来说,却造成更大破坏。

    And even though this looks maybe not quite as repugnant as the mines , it 's even more damaging in some ways .

  4. 在露天矿开采过程中,保证露天采矿场边坡在其过渡状态和终了状态时的长期稳定是矿山管理至关重要问题之一。

    During the course of mining in open pit , one of the most important issues to mine management is to ensure the open pit slope steady for long term in the situation of transition and expiry periods .