
  • 网络Luna;Runa;lunar;stella luna;lelo
  1. 信息技术和管理服务公司OSCExportServicesPvt的人力资源主管露娜•梅特拉(RunaMaitra)说,一些非正式的信息可以通过私人邮件来传递。

    You can always use your personal email for casual messages , says Runa Maitra , director of human resources at OSC Export Services Pvt. , a provider of information technology and management services .

  2. 露娜,你怎么会认识那个流氓泰成的?

    Nuna , how do you know that jerk , tae-sung ?

  3. 露娜使用这种力量劈开她的敌人。

    Luna uses this gift to cut swaths through her enemies .

  4. 露娜,我现在很忙,再见啦!

    Nuna , I 'm a little busy see you !

  5. 露娜,你不记得了吗?是我,泰成!

    Nuna , don 't you remember ? It 's me , tae-sung !

  6. 露娜公园传来得噪声真是糟糕透了。

    Noise from Luna Park was awful .

  7. 茱莉亚称它为露娜。

    Julia called the tree Luna .

  8. 然而,他们与月亮有很深的精神联系,他们尊敬强大的月之精灵露娜,把露娜作为他们最强大的图腾之一。

    However , they have deep spiritual ties to the moon , and they revere the mighty moon-spirit Luna as one of their greatest totems .

  9. 她对这家公司计划砍伐露娜的行为感到气愤,于是决定召集一些朋友组成一个环保小组。

    She felt a great deal of contempt for the company which planned to cut down this tree . She decided to contact some of her friends at an environmental group .

  10. 据说露娜能够召唤纯洁的月光痛击对手,而她自己永远被光环包围,就好像身处在月光的照耀下。

    It has been said that Luna is able to call down the very light of the moon , and is always surrounded by a glowing aura , as though in moonlight herself .

  11. 据Care2网站报道,Equipay的创意来自于美国加利福尼亚州的露娜•马布鲁克斯,她是一位多元文化教育家和喜剧演员。她希望能通过这个创意让种族和性别不平等这一“敏感问题”变得有趣,并为大众所接受。

    It is the brain child of Luna Malbroux , a diversity educator and comedian from California , who wanted to ' make the touchy subject ' of racial and gender inequalities more accessible and fun , reports Care2 .