
  • 网络Molodezhnaya
  1. 两个青年站了起来,走进了早餐厅。

    The two young men arose and entered the breakfast-room .

  2. 尤其令我振奋的,是看见新加坡青年站在推动文化觉醒的前列。

    I am especially encouraged that the younger Singaporeans are in the forefront of this cultural awakening .

  3. 六位青年正站在街角。

    Half a dozen youths were standing at the street corner .

  4. 两个青年于是站起身来,向伯爵鞠了一躬,离开了那个房间。

    The young men then rose , and bowing to the count , quitted the room .

  5. 这青年牧人站定了,脚下象生了根似的,他们马枪的枪托抵住肩头,瞄准那个抢人犯,用枪口跟了他一秒钟,然后开了枪。

    The young shepherd stopped , as if his feet had been rooted to the ground ; then he put the butt of his carbine to his shoulder , took aim at the ravisher , followed him for a second in his track , and then fired .

  6. 只有青年人能够站起来,桑德尔终于站起来了。

    Only Youth could rise , and Sandel rose .

  7. 有一群青年在公共汽车站附近胡闹。

    Near the bus stop there was a gang of youths larking about .

  8. 30名健康青年学生参加了站高时的平衡能力指标的测试。

    The balance abilities of 30 young wealthy students were tested during their standing performance in high lever .

  9. 中心作为浙江大学理论物理学科的依托单位于1991年设立了物理学博士后流动站,先后吸引一批优秀青年进入博士后流动站从事科研工作。

    ZIMP was authorized to set up the postdoc training program in physics in1991 , and it became a supporting unit of the discipline of theoretical physics in Zhejiang University .