
  • 网络penicillin allergy
  1. 首先要给您做个青霉素过敏试验。

    First , I 'll give you a penicillin allergy test .

  2. 安德鲁看完了整个记录,包括实习医生关于青霉素过敏的记录。

    Andrew read the rest of the file-including the intern 's note about penicillin allergy .

  3. 在这之前,怀拉兹克并不知道自己对青霉素过敏。

    Wyrazik had not , until that time , known about his allergy to penicillin .

  4. 该患者对青霉素过敏。

    The patient had an allergy to penicillin .

  5. 检测青霉素过敏性休克机体血中IgE类抗体

    Detection of IgE antibodies in animals died of anaphylactic shock

  6. 青霉素过敏病人特异性IgE和IgG抗体、相关细胞因子及其基因多态性

    Specific IgE and IgG Antibodies , Related Cytokines and Genetic Polymorphism in Patients with Penicillins Allergy

  7. 放射过敏原吸附试验检测青霉素过敏病人血清中特异性IgE抗体

    Radioallergosorbent test for detection of specific IgE antibodies in sera of penicillin allergic patients

  8. 青霉素过敏病人血清特异性IgE抗体与青霉素化学结构的关系

    The relationship between specific IgE antibodies in sera of penicillins allergic patients and penicillins chemical structures

  9. 青霉素过敏病人血清中特异性抗体与IL-10及其基因多态性

    IL-10 and the SNPs in Promoter Are Associated with Specific Antibodies in Serum of Penicillin Allergic Patients

  10. 2.2皮试阳性反应程度与特异性19〔抗体青霉素过敏病人血清特异性工gE抗体总阳性率为62.2%(161/259)。

    The average positive rate of specific IgE antibodies was 62.2 % ( 161 / 259 ) in the allergic patients .

  11. 青霉素过敏病人血清IL-5的变化

    The Change of IL-5 in Serum of Penicillins Allergic Patients

  12. 本研究采用放射过敏原吸附抑制试验研究青霉素过敏病人血清特异性IgE抗体与青霉素化学结构的关系。

    The relationship between specific IgE antibodies in sera of penicillins allergic patients and penicillins chemical structures was studied by radioallergosorbent inhibition test .

  13. 青霉素过敏一家系报告

    A Report of Allergic Reaction of Penicillin in a Family Chain

  14. 临床护士自身发生青霉素过敏现象的观察与对策

    Study and countermeasures of the allergic reaction of penicillin in clinical nurses

  15. 以腹痛为前驱症状的青霉素过敏反应35例报道

    Report of 35 penicillin anaphylaxis cases with premonitory symptoms of abdominal angina

  16. 如果病人对青霉素过敏,那该怎么办呢?

    What would be done if the patient should develop allergy to penicillin ?

  17. 青霉素过敏反应及皮试判定

    Allergic reaction and hypersensitive test judgment of penicillin injection

  18. 对青霉素过敏者勿用阿莫西林。

    Allergic to penicillin person do not use amoxilin .

  19. 有效预防青霉素过敏反应

    Prophylaxis of penicillin allergic reaction in effective way

  20. 对青霉素过敏性休克的患者应立即注射何种药物?

    If a patient suffers an allergic attack what immediate medication must be used ?

  21. 青霉素过敏试验部位的研究

    A study on how to select the body area for performing the penicillin skin test

  22. 结果注射用苄星青霉素过敏反应与进口对照品相同,肌肉刺激试验符合要求。

    Results the Penicillin G Benzathine injection had mild allergy effect and no muscle stimulation .

  23. 15,差不多90磅,她对青霉素过敏

    SARA : Fifteen . she 's about 90 pounds . she 's allergic to penicillin .

  24. 当一个对青霉素过敏的人需要青霉素治疗时,也需要用这种脱敏方法。

    Desensitization can also be required when a penicillin-sensitive person needs to be treated with penicillin .

  25. 对青霉素过敏者可使用四环素、红霉素和强力霉素。

    For those who are allergic to penicillin , tetracycline , erythromycin and doxycycline could be used .

  26. 是的,我对青霉素过敏,我需要做某种锻炼吗?

    P : Yes . I 'm allergic to penicillin . And should I do certain exercise ?

  27. 有些人会对青霉素过敏,因此每个人在使用之前都要做皮试。

    Some people are allergic to penicillin so everyone needs to have a skin test before using it .

  28. 临床表现的前三位依次为药疹、药物性血尿和青霉素过敏;

    Manifestations in the firs three places were drug rash , drug - induced hematuria and penicillin allergy .

  29. 噢,是的,我对青霉素过敏,而且一吃螃蟹就肚子疼。

    Oh , yes , I am sensitive to penicillin and I usually have abdominal pain after eating crabs .

  30. 常见病有:青霉素过敏、花粉病、支气管哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、特应性皮炎、食物过敏症等。

    Such diseases include : penicillin hypersusceptibility 、 bronchial asthma 、 allergic rhinitis 、 atopic dermatitis 、 food Anaphylaxis and so on .