
  • 网络special inspection;Special Examination;SPECIAL TESTS
  1. 方法对2000~2002年病案资料中38例HLA-B27阴性的AS患者与92例HLA-B27阳性患者,进行临床表现和实验室的特殊检查结果分析。

    Methods Thirty-eight cases of AS with HLA-B27 negative and 92 cases with HLA-B27 positive were analyzed by clinical expression and special examination .

  2. 特殊检查在复拇指畸形诊断中的价值

    Diagnostic value of special examination of thumb syndactyly

  3. 但是,有大量的很好的信息,每一个都有与它相关的,检查报告,可能是由NRC驻厂检查员,或者是由特殊检查团。

    But there 's an awful lot of excellent information and every one of these has an inspection report associated with it , either by the NRC resident or by the special inspection teams .

  4. 产科特殊检查63例软产道损伤临床分析

    A Clinical Analysis of 63 Cases of Soft Obstetric Canal Damage

  5. 产科特殊检查医护人员对产科干预认识现状的定性研究

    The Quality study of care providers on obstetric care intervention view situation

  6. 熟悉必要的实验室检查和特殊检查。

    The last is familiar with the necessary laboratory and special examinations .

  7. 其他的特殊检查就没做过了。

    I 've had no other special examinations .

  8. 明确诊断,你要做哪些特殊检查?

    Mention the special inestigations you would like to do to establish your diagnosis .

  9. 特殊检查对疑难病例的诊断有帮助。

    Special examinations were helpful for difficult cases .

  10. 诊断甲状腺癌的特殊检查主要依靠超声检查。

    Special examinations in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer , mainly relying on ultrasound .

  11. 治疗前后比较两组患者的症状、体征以及实验室和特殊检查指标的变化。

    Compare the symptoms , signs of two groups of patients and changes of indexes .

  12. 目的:探讨数字X线摄影在放射科特殊检查中的应用价值。

    Obiective To discuss the application value of digital X ray shooting in special examinations .

  13. 目的探讨复拇指畸形特殊检查的诊断评价。

    Objective To investigate the value of special examination in the diagnosis of thumb syndactyly .

  14. 特殊检查不能有效的提示。

    Special examinations showed no character .

  15. 方法:通过临床体检、特殊检查观察长航艇员生理和心理方面的变化。

    Methods : Changes in physiologic and psychologic functions were observed through clinical and special examinations .

  16. 美国官员说他们将在五月公布第四次银行特殊检查的结果。

    American officials say they will publish results on May fourth from a special examination of banks .

  17. 内镜下黏膜切除、夹子缝合和特殊检查在大肠肿瘤处理中的应用内镜黏膜下剥离术治疗早期胃肠道肿瘤并发症及其处理

    Application of endoscopic mucosal resection , clip suture and adjuvant diagnostic techniques in the management of colonic neoplasms

  18. 目的:通过常规检查及特殊检查,提高乳腺癌的早期诊断率。

    Objective : Through the routine inspection and the special inspection , enhances breast cancer 's early diagnosis rate .

  19. 本文重点对起重机械特别是塔吊的安全检查,探讨了常规、特殊检查标准;

    This article probes into the routine and special examination standards of crane machines , especially of tower crane ;

  20. 方法对一些相对比较难摄影的特殊检查,进行一些摄影技术的革新。

    Methods To special inspection which some relative quite difficult to photograph , carries on some photographic technology the innovation .

  21. 本文对其发病原因、临床经过、实验室特殊检查及治疗进行了分析,并着重讨论了漏诊原因。

    This paper discussed the causes , clinical process , special laboratory examination and therapy , especially the causes of omission diagnoses .

  22. 方法对通过询问病史、常规体查及特殊检查确诊为儿童鼾症的患儿,对以上病因所致的儿童鼾症采用相应的手术治疗,以解除患儿呼吸道阻塞。

    Methods To conduct operation treatment on children with snore diagnosed by inquiring disease history regular examination , to solve their respiration obstruction .

  23. 根据内科、经科以及一些其他特殊检查看来,您既不是器质性的心脏病或颅脑病,也不是癫痫。

    D : The normal results of physical and neurological examinations and other special examinations suggest neither organic heart or brain diseases nor epilepsy .

  24. 诊断时应该认清各种因素的影响力,并根据病史及其他特殊检查确定失眠原因。

    The approach to diagnosis should recognize the potential for various causes and use history and special studies to determine the cause of the insomnia .

  25. 方法:回顾、分析了8例患者的临床表现、实验室检查、特殊检查和其他诊断手段以及治疗方法。

    Methods : 8 cases about the clinical feature , lab checking special checking and other diagnosis procedures and the methods for treatment were retrospectedand analyzed .

  26. 在大多数情况下,某种通气障碍的潜在原因通过病史和体格检查还是比较容易确认的,一般不需要特殊检查。

    In most instances the underlying cause of a respiratory disorder is readily apparent by history and physical examination , and special tests are generally not required .

  27. 新特手术技术及检查治疗占总体比例从最低迅猛上升,其他较散在的特殊检查和治疗亦呈上升趋势。

    The rate of novel operations and inspections was increased rapidly from the lowest position and rates of other special examinations and treatments were also in the trend of uprise .

  28. 实验室特殊检查明确显示了病区非患者及中毒患者的临床前期损害,如肝、肾功能损害、氨基酸代谢异常、氧化损伤等;

    Special experimental examinations clearly showed clinical early damages of local non patients and poisoned patients , such as liver and kidney function , amino acid metabolism and oxidation damage .

  29. 神经症性症状严重程度,自认疾病程度、特殊检查次数、累积就诊次数、累积医疗费用、药物治疗情况对此类患者的医院满意度影响较大。

    The outpatients ' satisfaction with hospitals were directly influenced by the score of neurotic symptoms , their attitude to the disease , the total numbers of special check-up , consuming fee , drug treatment .

  30. 方法分析我院收治的4例青年狼疮肾炎合并弥漫性肺泡出血患者临床表现、体格检查、实验室检查、影像学检查及特殊辅助检查结果和治疗转归等情况。

    Methods Four DAH inpatients with lupus nephritis were included for reviewing clinical manifestation , physical examination , lab test , imaging analysis and treatment response .