
  • 网络Bambusa textilis;Bambusa textilis McClure;B. textilis
  1. ABT生根粉应用于青皮竹引种育苗试验报告

    Experimental report on introduction and seedling cultivation of Bambusa textilis with ABT

  2. 青皮竹引种栽培的研究

    Study on Introduction and Culture of Bambusa textilis

  3. 青皮竹研究进展及展望

    Advances in the Study of Bambusa textiles The Lesson of the Bamboo Tree

  4. 本文总结了我县种植、抚育、砍伐、害虫防治等青皮竹栽培管理经验。

    This paper summarizes the management experience of Bambusa Textiles such as planting , cutting , diseases and pest controlling in Guangning county .

  5. 纤维组织比量达48.68%,比青皮竹(50.19%)略小,而比绿竹(45.78%)为大。

    Measurements of fiber tissue was 48.68 % , a bit smaller than that of B. textilis ( 50.19 % ) but larger than D. oldhami ( 45.78 % ) .