
  • 网络Qingyi River
  1. 约生于4300年前的若水地域,位于川西,地近青衣江、宁河。

    He was born in about4300bc in Ruoshui section of Shangxi province , near Qingyi River and anling river .

  2. 预计青衣江沿岸洪水将达到创纪录水平,而大渡河和岷江下游的高水位也将持续。

    Flooding at record levels is expected along the Qingyi River , while high water level is also forecast to continue at the lower reaches of the Dadu and Minjiang rivers .

  3. 在风景壮丽的四川乐山,在大渡河、青衣江、岷江的合流处,端然正坐着一座高达七十多米的佛像。

    A70-meter-high giant stone Buddha sits in the beautiful Leshan Mountain at the confluence of the Dadu , Qingyi and Minjiang rivers .

  4. 青衣江及其支流沿岸,有绵延起伏的山,险峻的峡谷,清丽的河流和奇特的泉水。

    Along the Qi ? yi river and it 's branches , there are fluctuant hill , arduous gorge , clear river , and peculiar spring .

  5. 小麦黄花叶病主要分布于长江中、下游及其支流大渡河、青衣江,黄河中、下游及其支流渭河流域、淮河流域。

    WYMV was mainly distributed around the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze and its tributaries including Qingyi River and Dadu river , and around the middle-lower reaches of the Yellow River and its tributaries including Weihe River and Huaihe river .