
  • 网络Sichuan movement
  1. 滇川西部构造带的四川运动

    The Sichuan orogeny in western Yunnan and Sichuan

  2. 川西前陆盆地大多数气藏是在四川运动期间形成的。

    Most of the gas pools in the basin were formed during this period . Exercise .

  3. 川籍留日学生与四川保路运动

    Sichuan Students Studying in Japan and the Movement of Protecting Railways

  4. 传教士视野中的20年代四川基督教运动

    View Movement of Sichuan Christianity in the 1920s in Missionary 's Perspective

  5. 抗战时期的四川话剧运动

    Sichuan Drama Campaign in Anti - Japanese War Period

  6. 四川保路运动是武昌起义和辛亥革命的导火索,率先开启了近现代中国波澜壮阔的历史画卷。

    Protection Movement in Sichuan is the Wuchang Uprising and the fuse of revolution , opened the first modern Chinese history magnificent .

  7. 四川联省自治运动述论

    On the Campaigns of Sichuan Inter - Provincial Autonomy

  8. 我来自中国四川,酷爱运动。

    I come from Sichuan province , China . I love sports very much .

  9. 四川的保路运动有广泛的群众基础和舆论宣传,有较为严密的组织,湖北则在这些方面弱于四川。

    The campaign of road protection in Sichuan had the ba sis of broad masses , propaganda of public opinions and strict organization while that in Hubei was weaker than that in Sichuan .

  10. 运动员们一直在为这次运动会进行紧张训练。四川省优秀运动员运动营养知识、态度、行为调查

    Survey of knowledge , attitudes , practices on sports nutrition among Excellent Athletes in Sichuan Province

  11. 并借此说明四川高职院校网球运动与终身体育对于普及和推广网球运动有着重要促进。

    And to explain sichuan higher vocational college tennis sports and lifelong sports popularization and promotion for tennis has important promoting .

  12. 该A型板块俯冲带的成因是由于燕山期扬子四川地体向北运动,地体碰撞挤压造成大陆板内陆壳块体的向北俯冲运动。

    We conclude that origin of this A-type plate subduction zone is the moverment and collision of Yangtze Terrain , the terrain to the North during the Yanshanian period , The collision and accretion of the terraines brought about a subduction zone of intra-plate crust massifs of the Eurasia continent .