
shí lín
  • stone forest;hoodoos;limestone tower
石林 [shí lín]
  • [limestone tower] 含二氧化碳的水流溶蚀或侵蚀石灰岩而形成的林立于地表的塔状石炭岩

  • 去南有石林风景区

石林[shí lín]
  1. 花岗岩石林(阿斯哈图)&一种新的地貌景观

    Granite hoodoos ( arsihaty ) & a new geomorphic landscape

  2. 说明:在这张天空影像前景中形状奇怪的岩层被称为石林。

    Explanation : The strange-looking rock formations in the foreground of this skyscape are called hoodoos .

  3. 这次马拉松比赛5月22日上午在甘肃省白银市景泰县黄河石林景区举行,参赛人员共172人。

    The marathon , with a total of 172 participants , was held on Saturday morning in the Yellow River Stone Forest tourist site in Jingtai County , Baiyin City in Gansu province .

  4. 应用RS与GIS的石林风景区植被图制作

    Mapping of Vegetation in Stone Forest Scenic Spot Based on RS and GIS

  5. 基于RS和GIS的石林风景名胜区景观格局空间变化研究

    Study on the Spatial Changes of Landscape Pattern of Stone Forest Scenic Spot Based on RS and GIS

  6. 路南石林地区土壤空气中CO2浓度分布规律与土下溶蚀形态研究

    The case study of subsoil solution features and soil co_2 concentration in stone forest region , lunan , yunnan , China

  7. 云南石林地区钙华的ESR测年及其地质意义

    ESR dating and its geological significance of travertine in the stone forest , Yunnan Province

  8. 基于NDVI的石林风景区植被覆盖动态变化对比研究

    Comparative Study on Dynamics of Vegetation of Stone Forest Scenic Spot based on NDVI

  9. 为掌握石林景区主要乡土植物物候节律,选择25科35种乡土植物,对其物候特征与同期主要气象因子进行了2a平行观测。

    The phenology of 35 indigenous plants of 25 families and the relationship between the penological rhythms of the plants and climatic factors in the corresponding period were studied for two years ( 2003 ~ 2004 ) at the Stone Forest Scenic Spot in Yunnan .

  10. 石林是一种稀有性的喀斯特地貌形态,是指石灰岩在长期的喀斯特作用下,沿节理溶蚀而形成的高5m以上的石柱组成的林状地貌景观,国外称为针状喀斯特或剑状喀斯特。

    Stone forest , which is a kind of rare karst geomorphology and called as pinnacle karst in other countries , refers to the forest-like landform composed of the stone pillars more than 5 meters high and resulted from longtime dissolution of limestone along joints .

  11. 石林诗论和诗歌创作研究

    A Study of Shi Lin 's Poetic Theory and Poetic Creation

  12. 至石林指出,管理是一个永恒的主题。

    To Shilin pointed out that management is an eternal theme .

  13. 路南石林喀斯特流域水文特征初探

    The hydrological characteristics of the karst basin in Lunan Stone Forest

  14. 贵州喀斯特石林景观评价及开发利用建议

    Evaluation and Development Suggestions of Karst Stone Forest Landscape in Guizhou

  15. 石林夜景的激光影像投影

    The laser video projection of the night scene in stone forest

  16. 旅游地质新发现&黄果树石林

    A New Discovery in Tourist Geological Resource : Huangguoshu Stone Forest

  17. 石林风景名胜保护区景观植被

    Landscape Vegetation in the Scenic Spot of Stone Forest in Yunnan

  18. 2004年昆明市石林县慢性阻塞性肺病疾病负担分析

    Analysis on Burden of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Rural Kunming

  19. 之前,我常常在千针石林练级。

    Before that , I was always grinding in Thousands Needles .

  20. 石林在地貌上是一种高大的石芽。

    Stone forest is a kind of tall clints in geomorphologic structure .

  21. 第三系红层下石林的岩溶动力学特征

    Karst dynamics features of stone forest under the Tertiary red clastic rocks

  22. 云南石林旅游风景区游客环境意识评估研究

    Environmental Awareness Assessment of the Tourists in Stone Forest Resort in Yunnan

  23. 喀斯特石林发育的土壤学视角

    Study on the Role of Soil in Stone Forest Development

  24. 不可溶盖层下石林的岩溶动力学特征对比研究

    A Comparison of Karst Dynamics Features between Stone Forests under Insoluble Covers

  25. 兴文石林地质地貌景观的脆弱化趋势研究

    Research on Ecological Vulnerability of Geological-Geomorphological Landscape of Stone Forest in Xingwen

  26. 滇中路南石林的发育年代

    The ages of development of the Lunan Stone Forest in Central Yunnan

  27. 昆明:游览石林,参观民族博物馆,民族村等。

    Kunming , Stone Forest , National Museum , Yunnan Folkways Village .

  28. 石林景区开发研究

    Development study on the Scenic Spots of Stone Forest

  29. 贵黄高等级公路通过该石林南侧,交通方便。

    The Guiyang-Huangguoshu highway that passes through its south is convenient to transportation .

  30. 花岗岩石林的发现、成因及其意义

    Discovery of Granite Foret , Genesis & its Significance