
qīng dòu
  • petits pois;green soya bean
青豆 [qīng dòu]
  • [green soya bean] 子实表皮是青绿色的大豆

青豆[qīng dòu]
  1. 菜用大青豆AC_10选育成功,不仅丰富了菜蓝子,而且开发应用前景广阔。

    The income per mu was 900-1400 . The success in breeding big green soya bean AC_10for vegetables not only will enriched vegetable basket , but also will broad prospects in de-velopment and application .

  2. 激光诱变选育AC(10)菜用大青豆的研究报告

    The breeding if big green soya bean ac_10 induced variation by laser

  3. 其特色是将米粉浸泡在河螺调味的辛辣肉汤中,并加上腌笋、青豆、花生和豆腐皮等配料。

    Liuzhou luosifen , a soup dish dubbed and topped with ingredients including pickled bamboo shoots , string beans , peanuts and tofu skin .

  4. 巴克斯特先将振动按摩器和一包冷冻青豆在她7岁儿子马克斯(Max)的手臂上进行试用,然后她将神经病学家专用的小金属轮在儿子的皮肤上滚动以检测灵敏度。

    She applied a vibrating massager and a bag of frozen peas to the arm of her 7-year-old son Max , then rolled over his skin a small metal wheel used by neurologists to test sensitivity .

  5. 我们在当地的肉铺停下,买了几块羊排,几个土豆和一些青豆,用箔纸严严实实地包好,小心地放在我的福特Ka车(FordKa)的引擎上,然后就出发了。

    We stopped at the local butcher and bought a handful of lamb chops , a few potatoes and some green beans , wrapped them very thoroughly in foil , carefully put them on the engine of my Ford Ka and set off .

  6. 婴幼儿青豆鱼泥罐头的研制

    Development of canned green soybean fish paste for infants and children

  7. 青豆速冻过程冻结时间的数值计算

    Numerical calculation of freezing time for green-soybean during the freezing process

  8. 今天厨师长特选是青豆蔬菜。

    The chef 's special today is vegetable with green peas ?

  9. 在青豆上撒少量打碎的烤胡桃仁或核桃仁。

    Sprinkle chopped , toasted pecans or walnuts over green beans .

  10. 我想要份青豆而不是菠菜。

    I 'll have the green peas instead of the spinach .

  11. 今天的特色汤是青豆蘑菇汤。

    The soup of the day is green bean or mushroom .

  12. 这种品牌的罐装青豆不含人造色素。

    This brand of tinned beans contains no artificial colouring .

  13. 一道简单又营养的腰果青豆做好了,你想试试吗?

    A simple and nutrition cashew beans , you want to try ?

  14. 我可以向您推荐虾仁炒青豆。

    May I recommend the shrimps saut é ed with green peas ?

  15. 莎拉:我吃洋葱和青豆。

    Sarah : I have onions and green beans .

  16. 不要再吃油炸土豆了米饭、炸面、肉炒蛋和青豆。

    Rice , fried noodles , meat with eggs , and green beans .

  17. 我喜欢马铃薯和青豆。我很饿,妈妈。

    Mom : Oh ! Mew is hungry too .

  18. 你人们如何叫青豆?

    You know how people call green beans ?

  19. 再配上青豆菠菜意式云吞做为配料,美味十足;

    Coupled with lima-bean and spinach , and Italian-wanton , the flavor is rich .

  20. 非常偶然,我挪动几颗青豆后才发现的。

    Quite by accident , I moved a few peas and there it was .

  21. 孩子们吃了两听青豆。

    The children ate two tins of beans .

  22. 采购:青豆罐头,蘑菇罐头,杏罐头。

    Buy : canned green beans , canned mushroom , canned apricot in cereal .

  23. 格林小姐:我喜欢青豆。它们很好吃,有益健康。

    Miss Green : I like green beans . They 're tasty and healthy .

  24. 取一大平底锅,烧水煮青豆4到5分钟,加盐调味。

    Cook the beans in a large pan of boiling salted water for4-5 mins .

  25. 青豆、菠菜和西红柿。

    Green beans , spinach and tomatoes .

  26. 艾米:我很喜欢吃土豆和青豆。我饿了妈妈。

    Amy : I 'd like potatoes and green beans . I 'm hungry Mom .

  27. 青春野绿青豆粉及其生产工艺技术

    Green Soybean Powder and Its Processing Technology

  28. 你知道当它被红叶螨袭击时青豆会怎么反应吗?

    You know what a lima bean does when it 's attacked by spider mites ?

  29. 我们有各种新鲜芦笋,青豆和炙番茄。

    Well , get a choice of fresh asparagus , green beans and grilled tomatoes .

  30. 我开了一罐青豆。

    I opened a can of beans .