
qīng xuě
  • pollock;pollack
青鳕[qīng xuě]
  1. 大西洋幼小鳕鱼的肉,重量可达磅;也指幼小的黑线鳕和青鳕;通常烧烤。

    Flesh of young Atlantic cod weighing up to 2 pounds ; also young haddock and pollock ; often broiled .

  2. 其他汞含量较低的品种有:黑线鳕、青鳕、比目鱼和鳎、细须石首鱼、小龙虾、鲶鱼、鳟鱼、大西洋鲭鱼、蟹和鲻鱼。

    Also low are haddock , pollock , flounder and sole , Atlantic croaker , crawfish , catfish , trout , Atlantic mackerel , crab and mullet .

  3. 当泳速大于三倍体长/秒(BL/S)时,单位游距几乎不随游速变化,其平均值分别为:鲭鱼0.90体长(BL)、绿青鳕0.88BL、鲱鱼0.70BL。

    The mean stride length is 0.90 body length ( BL ) for mackerel , 0.88 BL for saithe and only 0.70 BL for herring . The tail beat amplitude of all three species does not change with the swimming speed .