
fēi ɡōnɡ mín
  • noncitizen
  1. 一种允许非公民永久停留澳洲的签证。

    A visa permitting a non-citizen to remain in Australia indefinitely .

  2. 非公民的少数群体成员身份国际规则解析

    On the International Rules about the Minority Membership of Non-citizen

  3. 他们还集中在填写表格的安逸,不愿透露姓名的回应,以及非公民在数列入。

    They also focus on the ease of filling out the form , the anonymity of responses , and the inclusion of non-citizens in the count .

  4. 他被起诉偷运非公民进入澳大利亚,该罪行最多可以判处20年有期徒刑。

    He has been charged with bringing a group of non-citizens into Australia . It is an offense that carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison .

  5. 斯巴达城邦是古希腊世界有名的城邦,也是一个非常有特色的城邦,其主要表现是公民与非公民的人口比例悬殊,社会制度军事化。

    Sparta State is a world well-known and very distinctive state in ancient Greece . Its characteristics mainly show in the great disparity of the proportion of citizens and non-citizens and the militarization of social regime .

  6. 其原因不只是因为赛浦路斯是国民议会投票决定,而非公民投票之外,更当然是因为赛浦路斯是新成员国,并且也没有意愿在欧盟整合事务上扮演重要的角色。

    The reason for that is not only that Cyprus approved the European Constitution by a vote in Parliament and not by referendum , but of course also that Cyprus is a new member state that does not want to play a major role in EU integration .

  7. 尽管在人力资源管理办公室(OfficeofPersonnelManagement)的批准下,如果没有合格的公民,政府机构也可以雇用非美国公民,但这类人只能获得编外任命。

    And although with Office of Personnel Management approval , agencies are permitted to hire non-citizens when there are no qualified citizens available , such people may only be given an excepted appointment .

  8. 随着英国国家边境署(BorderAgency)卡紧对非欧盟公民的签证,英国研究生商学院将面临种种问题,上述问题只是其中的两例。

    These are just two of the issues facing UK graduate business schools as the UK Border Agency tightens its grip on visas for those from outside the EU .

  9. 现在提倡非美国公民参军效力的人们正在试图改变coombs的窘境。

    Now advocates of non-citizen servicemen and women are trying to change that .

  10. 对于所有非美籍公民者,必须采集指纹及照相。

    In addition we MUST fingerprint and photograph all non US citizens .

  11. 非中国公民还需要提交您有效的中国居留许可。

    Non-Chinese citizens are required to submit copy of valid Chinese residence permit .

  12. 这是一个用来称呼非美国公民国际学生的术语。

    This is the technical term for international students who are not American citizens .

  13. 等一系列手无寸铁的非裔公民被警察射杀,

    and literally countless other unarmed black citizens at the hands of the police ,

  14. 还有人担心,现在,41%的科学和工程博士为非美国公民。

    Others worry that non-US citizens now account for41 % of science and engineering PhDs .

  15. 绿卡;为去美国永久居住非美国公民签发的登记卡

    Registration card for a non - US citizen going to live permanently in the USA

  16. 申请牙科医学的非欧盟公民人数亦激增24.5%。

    There was also a 24.5 per cent surge in non-EU citizens applying for dentistry .

  17. 正常居住的条件是指实际地出现而非关于公民身分或地址所限。

    Ordinarily domiciled condition is a physical presence test and does not relate to citizenship or to any address of convenience .

  18. 在中国6家机场设有营业网点的通济隆直到8月20日之前,只能为非中国公民提供服务。

    Travelex , which has operations in six Chinese airports , has up until the 20 Aug only been allowed to serve non-Chinese citizens .

  19. .据报道,美国总统乔·拜登将会对绝大多数近期来自南非的非美国公民实施禁令。

    It 's reported that U.S. President Joe Biden will a ban most non-U.S. citizens from entering the country if they recently been in South Africa .

  20. 按照这项规定,非美国公民在离境前需要提供来自同一只手的4个指纹。这一规定同样也适用于航海路线。

    Non-US citizens would have to provide four fingerprints from one hand before leaving the country under the proposal , which would also apply to cruise lines .

  21. 拜登说,所有从喀布尔起飞的飞机首先会降落在少数几个国家的军事基地,非美国公民将在那里接受背景调查和安全检查。

    Biden said all flights out of Kabul first land in military bases in a handful of countries where non-U.S. citizens will undergo background checks and security screenings .

  22. 这些限制包括有禁止非本国公民个人购买证券,有的国家只限制外因人购买一些特定行业公司的股票。

    Some of these restrictions prohibit any person who is not a national of that country from purchasing securities , while others restrict such purchases to securities of companies in limited industries .

  23. 这一情况第一次引起医学界的重视是一位瑞士的女士试图入境美国的时候。入境是需要采集非本国公民的指纹的。

    The condition first came to the attention of the medical community when a Swiss woman tried to cross the border into the United States , which requires non-citizens to be fingerprinted upon entry .

  24. 菲律宾法律禁止非本国公民从事零售业,但新到中国移民公然违背了这些规定之前的几代移民往往是以菲律宾籍配偶或合伙人的名义注册,从事此类生意。

    Filipino law prohibits non-citizens from retailing but the rules are openly violated by new Chinese immigrants , whereas previous generations would often simply register businesses in the name of Filipino spouses or associates .

  25. 南非表示,来自西非埃博拉疫区的非南非公民不能进入南非,来自几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂的公民不得进入南非境内。

    South Africa says non-citizens arriving from Ebola-stricken areas of West Africa will not be allowed into the country , with borders closed to people from Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone . All non-essential outgoing travel to the affected countries has been banned , as well .

  26. 记住那,我们也有固定下来接触在负责由于非瑞士的公民经营全部对账户的索赔的处理的索赔解决审理团(CRT)。

    Bear in mind that we also have well-established contacts at the Claims Resolution Tribunal ( CRT ) responsible for handling processing of all claims on accounts due to non-Swiss citizens .

  27. 申请人须为非中国籍公民,身体健康;

    Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health .

  28. 公民正常的政治参与受阻,而非法的或非正常的公民参与则大量出现。

    While legal political participations are blocked , the illegal and informal civic participating emerge largely .

  29. 他还被一个非裔美国公民权利组织评为2011年度教师。

    He was also honored as 2011 teacher of the year by an African-American civil rights organization .

  30. 我们决心为我们国家的非裔美国公民提供更多的机遇,就业岗位和安全保障。

    We are determined to deliver more opportunity , jobs and safety for the African-American citizens of our country .