
  • 网络Non operating state;Out of Service;out-of-service
  1. 从本系列的第一篇文章开始,SnailBait一直有一个处于非工作状态的计分板。

    Snail Bait has had a nonworking scoreboard ever since the first article in this series .

  2. 非工作状态吊钩锚定时塔机抗风能力的计算

    Calculation of anti-wind capacity for tower crane with hook being anchored in non-use situation

  3. 目前弹性管束振动特性的理论研究已趋成熟,而在实验研究方面,众多学者多集中在非工作状态下弹性管束固有振动特性研究。

    The theory research was much more matured , and scholars had focused on experimental study about natural vibration characteristics of non-work elastic bundle .

  4. 反之,在非工作状态下,开关断电,压降消失,发光二极管不发光。

    When the electric appliance is in the working condition , the divider resistance generates pressure drop so to enable the emitting diode to illuminate .

  5. 我并不是指非工作状态时间(虽然多数人会把对旅游的激情转变到有稳固收入的激情上)

    I don 't mean the down-time ( although there 's plenty of people who 've turned a passion for travel into a solid income ) .

  6. 机械手最大锚定力为450kN,在非工作状态时设备最高点不高出轨面。

    The maximum anchorage force of the manipulator is 450 kN , and every part of the manipulator is no higher than rail surface in non-operating mode .

  7. 同时,智能卡的多次重复发行,且用户手中大部分智能卡大部分时间处于非工作状态,导致卡软硬件资源的重复配置与闲置浪费。

    Moreover , the same smart cards are issued repeatedly , and the most cards held by users are often in sleep . All of these result in the hardware / software resources of cards are duplicated and wasted in most applications .

  8. 介绍了Z源逆变器的基本原理和控制方法,分析了Z源逆变器的非正常工作状态,给出了避免其进入非正常工作状态的方法。

    The basic principles and control methods are introduced . The non-normal working state of Z-source inverter and the methods of restrain are also discussed .

  9. 但一般的Z源逆变器有一个缺点:参数选择不当时会出现电流断续这种非正常工作状态。

    But the general Z-source inverter has a drawback : it can occur a non-work status of discontinuous current when the parameter selection is not the time .

  10. 内置的过热保护电路、过压保护电路、低压锁定电路,不仅提高了芯片的集成度,也使得芯片在非正常工作状态下能够自动的关断,保护芯片的同时也防止了对LED的破坏。

    The over-thermal protection circuit , the output over-voltage protection circuit and the low-voltage shutdown circuit built-in not only make integrity increase , but also make chip automatically shutdown in the non-normal operation and protecting LED .

  11. 理论分析了非理想工作状态下闭环光纤陀螺的输出与探测光功率的关系。

    The relation between the light power and the output of imperfect closed-loop interferometric fiber optic gyroscope ( IFOG ) was investigated theoretically .

  12. 对发动机非额定工作状态性能进行了模拟,分析了气路部件性能蜕化下测量参数与部件性能参数间的关系。

    The faults on components are simulated , and the relation between the measurements and the health parameters under gas-path components performance degradation is analyzed . 2 .

  13. 直流偏磁现象是指有直流电流经过中性点流入到电力变压器的绕组中,从而使变压器处于非正常工作状态。

    Direct current ( DC ) bias phenomenon is that the DC flows into the windings of the transformers through neutral point , which is an abnormal work station .

  14. 归纳起来,本文的贡献主要包括以下几个方面:1、全文从电台稳定工作状态和非稳定工作状态系统地研究了电台的个体特征分析方法,建立了通信电台个体识别基本框架。

    The main contributions of this dissertation are concluded as follows : 1 . The analysis methods of the individual transmitter character under stable conditions and unstable conditions are studied systematically , and then the basic frame of individual transmitter identification is established .

  15. 光轴任意取向单轴晶体非正入射工作状态

    Oblique Incidence State on Crystal with Arbitrary Oriented Optical Axis

  16. 这一分析计算是从钻塔的工作与非工作两种状态分别进行的。

    Separate analysis and calculations were made for the derrick in states of working and unworking .