
  1. 该方法兼顾运动补偿模块、去块效应滤波模块(或重建模块)和显示模块的不同需求特点,通过充分减少DDRSDRAM非读写命令的额外延时,达到较高的存储器接口效率。

    The method gives attention to the different characteristics of motion compensation module , deblock filter module ( or reconstruct module ) and display module , and enhances DDR SDRAM 's interface efficiency by fully reducing the time delay of non-read / write commands .

  2. 就是说,在目前大多数的处理器架构上,volatile读操作开销非常低&几乎和非volatile读操作一样。

    That said , on most current processor architectures , volatile reads are cheap & nearly as cheap as nonvolatile reads .

  3. 对于NIO,非阻塞读写是必要的,但它们并不是完全没有麻烦。

    Nonblocking reads and writes are essential to NIO , but they don 't come trouble free .

  4. 硬件部分包括电源模块、主控芯片模块、非接触读写模块、SPIflash存储模块,以及天线的设计与调试。

    Hardware is composed of power module , main control chip , contactless reading and writing module , spi flash memory module , design and debug of antenna .

  5. 除了不会阻塞之外,非阻塞读不能给呼叫方任何保证。

    A nonblocking read makes no guarantee to the caller besides the fact that it won 't block .

  6. 只读数据的二级缓存是最有效的,其次是以读为主的数据的非严格读写。

    Second level caching of read-only data is the most efficient followed by non-strict read-write on read-mostly data .

  7. 另外,非阻塞读可能读取到太多的消息,从而强制为下一个呼叫准备一个额外的缓冲区。

    On the other hand , a nonblocking read might read more than enough , forcing an overhead buffer for the next call .

  8. FPGA在非接触IC卡读卡器中应用

    Application of FPGA to Radio - frequency IC Card Reader

  9. 基于USB接口的车载非接触IC卡读写器

    The Reading and Writing Instrument with Non-contact IC Traffic Card Based on USB Interface

  10. RFID(RadioFrequencyIdentification无线射频识别)是自动识别技术中最具竞争优势的一个分支,与其它自动识别技术相比,具有识别速度快、信息载体适应性强、非视觉范围读写等优点。

    Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) is a branch of the most competitive advantage in automatic identification technology . Compared with other automatic identification technologies , RFID has many advantages such as faster identification speed , stronger adaptability , non-visual range reading and writing and so on .

  11. 这也许非你所读过最厚重的书,但够厚了。

    Not the longest book you will ever read , but long enough .

  12. 书非借不能读也。

    What we read is what we borrow .

  13. 他非要我读这本书。

    He made me read this book .

  14. 你得拿出你的iPhone6,然后把手机放在非接触式读卡器上进行支付。

    You have to reach for your iPhone 6 and place it on the contactless reader to pay .

  15. 通常,接下来你要掏出银行卡,放在非接触式读卡器上进行支付。

    Normally you then have to reach for your bank card and place it on the contactless reader to pay .

  16. 为了从根本上防止刷卡出错,在非接触IC卡读卡器硬件设计上加入红外发射接收电路部分。

    To prevent the mistakes of operating ICC , infrared transmit-receive circuit is added in the contactless ICC reader design now .

  17. 导致的结果是不断地从磁盘而非主内存读写数据,这是影响性能的重要限制因素。

    As a result , data is continually written and read from disk rather than from main memory , which is very detrimental to performance .

  18. 非接触式RFID读写器系统的研究

    Study of contactless RFID reading / writing system

  19. 一种实用的非接触式IC卡读写器系统的设计

    The Design of Practical Read-write System of the Untouched IC Card

  20. 非接触智能卡读写器50Ω匹配天线的设计

    Design of Contactless Smart Card Reader With 50 Ω Antenna

  21. 基于TCP/IP协议的非接触式网络读写器设计

    The design of non - contact-type network PCD based on TCP / IP agreement

  22. 你非用原文来读不可。

    You must read them in the original .

  23. 基于以太网的新型非接触式IC卡读写器的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of New-Type Read-Write Device of Non-Contact IC Card Based on Ethernet

  24. 安徽省非体育类在读研究生体育锻炼意识与体育行为脱节。

    Anhui Province in graduate non-P.E and Physical Behavior of exercise consciousness out of line .

  25. 结果完成了非接触式IC卡读卡器的硬件和软件设计以及上位机的程序设计。

    Results The circuit design , software design and host computer program design are accomplished .

  26. 本文通过调查和研究得出以下结论:①安徽省非体育类在读研究生体育人口比例较低。

    This paper surveys and studies the following conclusions : ① Anhui non-P.E sports in the proportion of graduate students low .

  27. 文中介绍了基于以太网的非接触式IC卡读写器的系统结构,并介绍了新型读写器的设计和功能实现。

    This text introduces the system structure of read-write device of non-contact IC card based on Ethernet , and the designing and realizing course of two kinds of new-type read-write device .

  28. 最后详细论述了系统的实现步骤和关键技术,包括针对本系统所设计的便携式非接触式IC卡读写器的设计以及用户上位机软件的实现。

    Finally , it illustrates in detail the solutions to the realizations and key technology of the system , including the design of portable IC card read and write device , and the realization of the software .

  29. 依据安徽省非体育类在读研究生体育活动与心理健康现状,以及我国与安徽省的实际情况,本文提出以下建议:①加强学校对研究生体育课程建设各方面的建议。

    According to the Anhui Province non-P.E sports in graduate school and mental health status , and the actual situation of China and Anhui Province , this paper makes the following recommendations : ① To strengthen physical education graduate schools all aspects of the proposed building .