
  • 网络DEA;Nonparametric Methods;Nonparametric Approaches
  1. 然后从参数方法和非参数方法两个方面介绍了规模效率的测算方法,并着重介绍了DEA模型和Tobit模型的基本原理。

    And scale efficiency estimates from the two parameter method , and nonparametric methods , and highlights the basic principles of the DEA model and the Tobit model .

  2. 高级主题,时贝叶斯分析,非参数方法。

    Advanced Topics , Time Permitting Bayesian Analysis , Nonparametric Methods .

  3. 介绍了一种红外图像背景抑制的非参数方法(Ekernel)。

    A nonparametric background removal method ( E_kernel ) of infrared image was discussed .

  4. 本文将非参数方法和贝叶斯理论结合起来,运用到有序Logistic模型中。

    In this paper , we apply nonparametric method and Bayesian theory to ordered logistic model .

  5. 该方法采用非参数方法估计危险率函数,用直线回归的方法估计Weibull模型的参数。

    By using non-parameter method and linear regression the parameters in the Weibull model are estimated .

  6. 然后以持续期概念为基础,建立了在银行资产负债表中计算VaR的参数和非参数方法。

    The paper builds up the parameter and nonparameter methods to calculate VaR based on Duration model in bank balance sheet .

  7. 讨论了评价生产有效性的非参数方法DEA在计算决策单元成本效率中的应用。

    The application DEA , a non-parameter method used to evaluate the validity of production , is discussed in this paper .

  8. 本文先对Copula函数的产生发展,Copula函数的定义和性质等方面进行介绍,给出了基于Copula函数的尾部相关系数的定义和度量方法,并采用非参数方法估计尾部相关系数。

    Give definition and measurement method of tail dependence based on Copula function , use the non-parameter estimation to estimate tail-dependence coefficient .

  9. 基于一种新的非参数方法计算了HDR(highdatarate)无线网络的吞吐率容量区域。

    A new non-parameter method is proposed to compute the throughput capacity region of high data rate ( HDR ) wireless networks .

  10. 从工程实践的角度,讨论了小子样场合的产品可靠性Bayes评定中的相容性检验方法,提出了一种参数方法和两种非参数方法。

    This paper discusses the methods of compatibility test of bayes assessment for product reliability under the circumstance of small sample . A parametric method and two non-parametric methods are given .

  11. 接下来,运用非参数方法中的DEA方法,对我国商业银行服务和盈利方面在不同规模报酬假设下的技术效率、规模效率以及规模报酬情况进行了静态分析。

    Then , DEA method is applied for a static analysis on the different efficiencies of service and profitability of Chinese commercial banking : scale efficiency and technical efficiency under different assumptions .

  12. 本文在平方损失下导出了双指数分布位置参数的Bayes估计,利用非参数方法构造了位置参数的经验Bayes(EB)估计。

    In this paper , Bayes estimator of the location parameter in double exponential distribution is derived , and empirical Bayes ( EB ) estimators are constructed by the kernel estimation method .

  13. 以DEA为代表的非参数方法,以其处理多输出-多输入的有效性评价方面的绝对优势及众多的优点被广泛运用于商业银行的效率研究,因此,也成为本文所选的方法。

    DEA represented by non-parametric methods , has absolute advantage to deal with evaluation of the effectiveness of multiple output-multiple input . It has been widely applied to study the efficiency of commercial banks .

  14. 该部分中主要介绍了GARCH族模型和基于RiskMetrics的混合正态分布两种参数方法,以及历史模拟法和蒙特卡罗模拟法两种非参数方法。

    This part introduces two parameter method , one is the GARCH models , the other is the mixed normal distribution based on Risk Metrics model , and also introduce two non-parametric methods called historical simulation and Monte Carlo simulation .

  15. 文章的创新有两点:利用非参数方法估计尾部相关系数,将Copula函数和马柯维茨模型最优化投资组合理论结合,得出确定最优投资组合的步骤和程序。

    One is using the non-parameter estimation to estimate tail-dependence coefficient , another is combines Copula function and Markowitz model portfolio optimization theory in order to educing processes and procedures which determine the optimal portfolio .

  16. 该算法首先采用基于核函数的非参数方法估计SAR图像的统计分布,然后将此统计量作为图像分割的似然函数,利用马尔可夫上下文约束进行SAR图像分割。

    First , a non-parametric density estimate method based on kernel function is adopted to estimate the statistic distribution of the SAR images , and then , the SAR images is segmented with Markovian contexture by maximizing a MAP estimator , taking the former estimation as its likelihood term .

  17. 本文首先在合理分析生产集与生产函数的理论的基础上,全面分析总结了研究生产前沿的非参数方法&数据包络分析(DEA)方法,指出了它的局限性。

    The main content of this dissertation is as follows : ( 1 ) Based on the rational analysis of production set and production function , the author analyses and summarizes the non-parametric method of studying the production frontier-Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ), and points out its finity .

  18. 本文采用生产前沿面理论及其非参数方法,对假定产出确定条件下投入压缩的生产率指数&基于投入前沿面的Malmquist生产率指数进行了理论与测度方法研究。

    In the paper , the theory of production frontiers and its non-parametric measurement ac Proaches are used to figure out the input compressing productivity index , Malmquist productivity index based on the input oriented non-parametric production frontiers .

  19. 一定约束条件下最小成本最大收益的非参数方法

    Non-parametric Method for Minimum Cost and Maximum Revenue With Restricted Conditions

  20. 基于非参数方法的肿瘤基因表达数据挖掘

    Data Mining for Tumor Gene Expression Profiles Using a Nonparametric Method

  21. 评价输入、输出最佳组合的非参数方法

    Nonparametric Approach for Evaluating the Best Combination fo Inputs , Outputs

  22. 利用非参数方法对上海股市周末效应的研究

    Study on weekend effect of shanghai stock market with non-parameter method

  23. 非参数方法下条件矩限制回归模型的广义矩估计

    GMM Estimator of Parameter for Conditional Moment Restriction Model with Nonparametric Method

  24. 讨论了生产前沿参数方法与非参数方法。

    This paper discusses the parametric and nonparametric production frontiers .

  25. 非参数方法在考试成绩分布中的应用

    The Application of Nonparametric Kernel Density Estimation in Report Card

  26. 特征向量法功率谱估计是基于矩阵分解的一种功率谱估计的非参数方法。

    Eigen vector power spectrum estimation is based on matrix eigen decomposition .

  27. 用非参数方法进行强震活动规律分析

    Study the Phenomena of the Strong Earthquake Activities by the Nonparametric Method

  28. 波动率预测的参数方法与非参数方法比较

    The Comparison of Parameter and Non-parameter Method of Volatility Prediction

  29. 省际绿色全要素生产率增长趋势的分析&一种非参数方法的应用

    Analysis of Inter-provincial Green Total Factor Productivity Application of a Non-parametric Method

  30. 非参数方法和贝叶斯理论是当今统计学中非常重要的两大分支。

    Nonparametric method and Bayesian theory are two important branches of modern statis-tics .