
  • 网络non-commercial advertising;Noncommercial Advertising
  1. 公益广告是指不以盈利为目的,为公众切身利益和社会风尚服务的非商业广告。

    Public service advertisement refers to the non-commercial advertising that serves for the public interests and social morals without profit purpose .

  2. 广告是为了某种特定的需要,通过一定形式的媒体,公开而广泛地向公众传递信息的手段,它包括商业广告和非商业广告。

    Advertisement is a means of delivering information to the public widely through some forms of media for a particular need , including commercial advertisement and noncommercial advertisement .

  3. 广告可以分为商业广告和非商业广告,公益广告作为非商业广告的一种,通常由政府部门和社会非盈利性组织发布,具有很强的公益性,正引起越来越广泛的关注。

    Advertisements can be divided into commercial advertisements and non-commercial advertisements . Public service advertisements , as one kind of non-commercial advertisements , are usually released by the government and nonprofit social organizations .

  4. 针对这些问题,本文提出在遵守大力发展校园非商业广告,引导限制商业广告、取缔非正常广告的基本原则前提下,分析了校园广告管理的具体措施和对策。

    In light of these problems , the paper made in compliance with the " vigorously develop the campus non-commercial advertisements , and guide commercial restrictions on advertising , banning advertising of non-normal ," the basic principle-based , ad management of the campus of specific measures and Countermeasures .

  5. 公益广告是一种旨在通过各种媒体向社会公众进行宣传和教育,以维护社会道德和正常秩序、实现人与自然和谐永续发展的非商业性广告。

    As one kind of non-commercial advertising , public service advertising is used to inform and educate the public by the way of various media , which aims to maintain social morality and achieve the sustainable development in harmony with nature .