
fēi guó yǒu huà
  • denationalization
非国有化[fēi guó yǒu huà]
  1. 并且发现,经济结构的非国有化倾向有利于增强金融发展对贸易冲击的削减作用。

    And also found that the denationalization of the economic structure tends to help enhance the impact of financial development on trade shocks reduction effect .

  2. 而地区间人口户籍转换、经济开放、非国有化和政府对经济活动的参与都是拉开城乡收入差距的因素。

    We also find that inter-provincial migration , economic opening , denationalization , and governmental participation in the economic activities tend to enlarge the urban-rural inequality .

  3. 工业已被保守党政府实施了非国有化。

    The industry had been denationalized by the conservative government .

  4. 其发展形式是一种非国有化和市场化的工业化模式。

    Northeast private economic development is an industrial development in form with nonstate-owned and market business characteristics .

  5. 奥巴马政府实施银行非国有化的决策被当成是寡头权力的初步证据。

    The Obama administration 's decision not to nationalise the banks is presented as prima facie evidence of the oligarchs'power .

  6. 系统分析了货币非国有化理论、货币替代理论以及货币竞争的法则。

    It systematically analyzes the currency non-nationalization theory , and currency substitution theory as well as the law of currency competition .

  7. 与传统的国有企业相比,民营科技企业的治理结构存在一个显著的特征即企业产权非国有化,使企业产权有了具体的委托人。

    Compared with traditional state-owned enterprises in the corporate governance structure , there is a notable feature that the property right is not state-owned and has concrete principal .

  8. 因此,要想使国有企业脱困,就要触及产权改革的核心&非国有化。

    Therefore , in order to make State-owned Enterprises get rid of their predicament , we should touch on the core of the reforms of property rights & non-nationalization .

  9. 奥巴马更喜欢把政府塑造成私人市场进入途径和机会的提供者,而非国有化市场利益的捍卫者。

    Mr Obama prefers to cast government as a provider of access and opportunity in a private market , rather than a guarantor of benefits in a nationalised one .

  10. 在许多发达市场经济国家,具有网络特征的自然垄断产业发生了一系列重大变化,主要包括:放松规制、非国有化、引入竞争机制。

    A series of great changes have taken place to some nationals industry of the network with developed market economy , including relaxing the regulation system mainly , nationalization , introducing competition mechanism .

  11. 如加快企业的非国有化进程、调整政府与企业的关系、涉诉企业要积极应诉、建立自我保护机制等。

    The positive responses can be made : such as accelerating the progress of the enterprises ' non-nationalization , adjust the relationship of government and enterprises , the enterprise involved in appeal should actively react to appeal , set up self-protection mechanism , etc.

  12. 国有与非国有企业标准化活动的差异研究&基于上海市的调查分析

    The Study of the Difference in Enterprise Standardization between State-Owned and non-State-Owned company & Based on Shanghai 's Investigation and Analysis