
  • 网络Special Contact
  1. 你非常喜欢接触新的观点和视角。

    You thoroughly enjoy being exposed to new ideas and perspectives .

  2. 国际事务办公室里面的人办事效率是全世界最慢的,而且学院的指导顾问是非常难接触的。

    Office of International Affairs are one of the slowest people on the world and even the academic advisers are extremely hard to reach .

  3. 这种感染需要非常密切的接触。

    This is an infection that requires very close contact .

  4. 它只有非常有限的接触混入食品的机会当这些食品与某些物质接触使用时。

    It has only very limited exposure in foods from these food contact substance uses .

  5. 在寻找更多资料还可证明是非常有益的接触教育局。

    When searching for more information it could also prove to be very helpful to contact the Department of Education .

  6. 我非常希望能接触到更专业的交互设计的理念,方法来来补充我的设计思维。

    I am very looking forward to contact more professional theories and methods of interaction design to supplement my design thinking .

  7. 不漏气的密封形成在管接口和阀门排气口座之间,在它们接触的一个非常小的接触圆周处。

    The gas-tight seal takes place between the nipple and the valve outlet seat at a very small contact circle where they touch .

  8. “那是一个非常轻微的接触,绝对不可能让一个胖子像中枪一样在地上打滚,”费迪南的说。

    " There was the slightest contact but not enough to make a fella who is12 or13 stone fall on the floor like that ," said Ferdinand .

  9. 今天我们生活在一个信息和科技时代,人们可以非常便捷地接触到各类信息。

    As is known to us , we are living in an era of information and technology . Nowadays it is very convenient and easy to access to any kind of information .

  10. 尽管两人刚认识的时候爱得如胶似漆,但露西和马修的关系还是渐渐地疏远了。他们的兴趣非常不同,而且接触的人也不一样。

    Despite being deeply in love when they first met , Lucy and Matthew had started to grow apart – they had very different interests and spent time with different people .

  11. 激光三角测量是非常重要的非接触测量方法,本文研究了以PSD作为光电传感器的测量系统中的一些问题。

    Laser triangulation measurement is one of the main methods of noncontact measurement . Many questions , have been studied in the measuring system , regarded Position Sensitive Detector ( PSD ) as the photoelectric sensor .

  12. 激光三角法是现代工业检测技术中非常重要的非接触式测量方法,本文结合国内市场需求,研制了一款基于激光三角法原理的激光位移传感器,工作范围为50±10mm。

    Laser triangulation plays a very important role in the field of modern industry testing as a non-contacted measurement . A laser displacement sensor which based on the laser triangulation principle is developed in this project , with work range of 50 ± 10mm .

  13. 基于辐射学原理的辐射高温计是一种非常实用的非接触式表面温度测量仪器。

    Radiation pyrometer is a useful non contact surface temperature measurement instrument .

  14. 我们的主与他有非常亲密的身体接触。

    Our Lord made very personal contact with him .

  15. 这类影片允许人类以非常个人的方式接触到我们生命的亲密合奏。

    Such films allow humans to touch into the intimate orchestration of our lives in a very personal way .

  16. 激光三角法测量是一种非常重要的非接触测量方法,同时也是激光扫描测量中的核心部分。

    Laser triangulation measurement is one of the main methods of non-contact measurement , is also the important part in the laser scanning measurement .

  17. 激光三角测量法是一种非常重要的非接触测量方法,在工业生产中,特别是三坐标测量机上,有着广泛的应用。

    As an important non-contact measuring technology , the laser triangle method is widely applied in industrial production , especially in Coordinate Measuring Machines ( CMM ) .

  18. 维克多·查:美国这一段时间以来非常平静,试图接触这些人并就释放事宜进行谈判。

    VICTOR CHA : The United States has been , very quietly for quite some time , trying to reach out and negotiate the release of these individuals .

  19. 可能会与朋友、爱人、或较大的小孩发生令人意外的对质,所以在这日子附近几天,比较聪明的做法是要非常小心与人接触。

    A surprise confrontation with a friend , lover , or older child will be possible , so it may be wise to be very careful when interacting with others near this date .

  20. 超声波测距是一种非常有效的非接触式测距方法,可以广泛应用在各种需要测量距离或者物位参数的场合,比如工业现场、车辆导航、水声工程等领域。

    Ultrasonic ranging is a very effective non-contact distance measurement method that can be widely used in measuring distance or needs of the occasion of level parameters , such as industrial site , vehicle navigation , underwater acoustics engineering and other fields .