
fēi zì rán sǐ wánɡ
  • unnatural death
  1. 恒化器中营养的输入和流出近似模拟了自然界的连续代谢作用,流出的微生物相当于自然界中常常发生的物种非自然死亡或迁出。

    The input and output of the nutrient in the Chemostat simulate approximately the continuous metabolism in nature and outputs of microorganisms correspond to species ' migration or unnatural death which often happen in nature .

  2. 因为在英国,烟草是导致非自然死亡最大的原因之一,能改变吸烟习惯的措施,哪怕一点点,也值得一试。

    Since tobacco as one of the biggest causes of premature death in the UK , a measure that tames the habit even by a fraction is worth trying .

  3. 他们发现29%的非自然死亡与酒精密切相关。

    They found that 29 % of all unnatural deaths were associated with alcohol .

  4. 一项研究发现几乎半数的非自然死亡都与酒精有关。

    Almost half of all unnatural deaths are related to alcohol , a study has found .

  5. 当警方将枪支与一位名叫戴斯·坎贝尔的野心勃勃的律师的非自然死亡联系起来时,案子开始变得复杂起来。

    The case gets complicated when the police link the gun to the suspicious death of a high-flying lawyer named Dice Campbell .

  6. 专家敦促政府公布更多有关官员非自然死亡的信息,包括患有抑郁症而自杀的官员。

    Experts are encouraging authorities to publish more information about unnatural deaths of government officials , including those who killed themselves after suffering from depression .