- Non Governmental Organizations;nongovernmental organization

These refugees are looked after by the combined efforts of the host countries and non-governmental organisations .
Many non-governmental organizations have appealed to the public to donate money .
Foreign observers , including some from the Russian and American governments as well as ngos , have given the election passing marks .
I started volunteering in a few non-governmental organizations .
To solve that problem , Crosby Menzies has created a non-governmental organization called Solar Cookers for Africa .
The 54-point law clarifies the registration1 process , operational rules and liabilities of overseas NGOs , as well as measures for their operations in China .
Not many of us know that The Book Bucket Challenge is a drive started by One Library per Village , an NGO based in Kerala .
China adopted its first-ever law on overseas NGOs on Thursday to facilitate their legal operations on the mainland but to combat any activity that might harm national security .
Many communities will almost certainly be uprooted , according to palm oil watch , a non-governmental organisation monitoring the sector .
The ducting of NGO contribute to perfecting social security system .
NGO , a non-profit , non-governmental , self-governed , unofficial organization for public interests , has a bright prospect in the modern society .
As Paul Farmer , the founder of Partners in Health , puts it : " Nongovernmental organisations can and should strengthen the faltering public sector . "
The afforestation movement in Japan was launched in all circles of society by NGO ( Non-government Organizations ) .
Zhuang Jian , a senior economist at the Asian Development Bank in Beijing , says that NGOs can not only offer valuable expertise in post-disaster reconstruction , they can also help make such work more transparent and efficient .
Also ten thousand free copies of DVD versions of the information were go to nongovernmental groups working to improve water quality .
And thanks to the rise of NGOs , idealistic young people can choose other , more flexible career paths .
But this month ( 14 February ) The Population Council , the US-based nongovernmental organisation that ran the trials , announced that the microbicide had been found to be safe but not effective .
In Burkina Faso , US $ 18 million from TAP is funding the drugs and assisting clinics run by non-governmental organizations and networks of people living with HIV .
She now prefers to take on MBA interns in her NGO , as opposed to her original plan of hiring graduates or masters students from charity-related industries .
Most of the rest are so-called government-organised non - governmental organisations , or Gongos , an appellation that would make George Orwell proud .
Their arguments concentrate on the following four issues : the subject qualification of WID dispute settlement mechanism , the representative of NGOs , the control of SIG ( Special Interest Group ), the trade protection tendency .
The nominated National CEPA Focal Points ( government and NGO ) have a central role in collaborating with these centres .
Amman has long been the preferred location of NGO workers in the Middle East , being safe ( relatively ) and overseen by a stable Royal regime .
First of all , the status of non-governmental organizations at WTO are analyzed . This part focus on demonstrating the participation of non-governmental organizations in the decision-making mechanism and dispute settlement mechanism of WTO as well as their impact on the WTO .
After reform and opening up , China has achieved rapid economic development , along with economic development , there have been many in the public welfare non-governmental organizations , commonly known as the NGO .
Assigned to create a technological solution to one of eight social problems presented by nongovernmental organizations , the winning team developed an Android app that allows farmers to share and receive alerts about pests and diseases from nearby farmers and the government .
The WFP has survived such funding crunches in the past , but UN officials fear donors have now become exasperated with North Korea , which expelled US non-governmental organisations last March .
Markaza Khinjan 's council stopped the practice of using women as payment in blood feuds , with guidance from the Aga Khan Foundation , an NGO that trains many of the councils .
Thus , the paper developed the innovation subjects and proposed new triple-helix model of " media-NGO-public ", according to the characteristics of popular science industry and the important influence on science communication come from the media , non-governmental organizations and public .
UNESCO is supporting a comprehensive platform of Non-Governmental Organizations to raise the profile of ocean issues in the run-up the Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( COP ), in Lima in 2014 and in Paris next year .