
fēi zhènɡ shì kè chénɡ
  • hidden curriculum
  1. 在高等教育过程中,有正式、非正式课程,同时还有隐蔽课程。

    Hidden curriculum exists in higher education apart from formal and informal curriculum .

  2. 譬如,我们在学校的正式以及非正式课程中加倍注重国民教育,让学生了解种族和谐的重要性。

    For example , we are pressing National Education in schools , both in the formal as well as informal curriculum , to bring home the importance of multi-racial harmony .

  3. 这些非正式的训练课程由地方政府和兰州大学支援,整个计划由兰州大学的地球与环境科学学院发起,乐施会资助。

    The project as a whole was initiated by the Earth and Environmental Science College of Lanzhou University and supported by Oxfam .