
  • 网络Non operating state-owned assets;nonprofit state assets
  1. 大庆市非经营性国有资产管理体制改革研究

    Studying the Management System Reform of Non-management State-owned Asset in Daqing

  2. 军队非经营性国有资产管理目标及对策选择

    Objectives of non & operational fixed assets management and selection of Countermeasures

  3. 第一部分,对我国非经营性国有资产基本内涵进行概述。

    The first part , non-operating state-owned assets is defined .

  4. 我国非经营性国有资产管理:问题、成因与对策

    Non-profit-making State Assets Management in China : Questions , Reasons and Countermeasures

  5. 非经营性国有资产:公共财政框架下的制度重塑

    Non-profit State-owned Capital : Restructuring Financial Institutions under the Framework of Public Ownership

  6. 非经营性国有资产&行政事业单位国有资产管理探讨

    Non-profit Making State-Owned Assets & The Discussion on Administrative Institution State-Owned Assets Management

  7. 其次论文研究了非经营性国有资产的单委托代理问题。

    The dissertation then focuses on the two single principal-agent issues of the non-operating state-owned assets .

  8. 绩效考核历来是非经营性国有资产管理活动中的重点与难点,绩效评价在其资产管理中占有举足轻重的地位。

    Performance evaluation is always an important aspect and difficulty for non-operative assets management of public sector .

  9. 对非经营性国有资产的绩效进行考核评估,既是激励,又是制约。

    State-owned assets to non-operational check up and evaluate the performance of both incentives , but also constraints .

  10. 国有资产研究的新视野&非经营性国有资产国内研究进展与评述

    A new view in the study of state-owned assets & development and appraisement of domestic study in non-operating state-owned assets

  11. 第三,运用泰尔指数法说明了义务教育领域的非经营性国有资产配置公平性,表明地区配置能力对于公平性具有影响。

    Thirdly , the Theil index of NSA in compulsory education phase shows allocation fairness impacted by the ability of region configuration ability .

  12. 在我国,非经营性国有资产是履行政府职能、为社会公众提供公共服务的基础物质保证,主要投放于非生产流通领域及行政事业单位和其他视同事业单位的组织和团体。

    In our country , non-operating state-owned assets are used to fulfill government functions , to provide basic material guarantee for public services .

  13. 首先,从马克思学说、福利经济学以及基金理论等中寻找非经营性国有资产管理研究的理论支持。

    The first part discusses the theoretical basis of NSA management , including Marxist theory , welfare economics , fund theory and other theories .

  14. 如何防止行政事业单位非经营性国有资产的流失,保证国有资产高效率的使用是个重要问题。

    How to prevent the loss of nonprofit state-owned property in administrative unites and guarantee the use of it with high proficiency is an important problem .

  15. 一般而言,国有资产可以分为经营性国有资产、资源性国有资产和行政事业单位国有资产(非经营性国有资产)。

    In general , State-owned assets can be classified into the following categories : the profit , administrative ( non-profits ) and natural resource State-owned assets .

  16. 源之于民、用之于民,非经营性国有资产是社会主义上层建筑赖以存在的物质基础。

    " Take from the people and use for people ", non-operating state-owned assets ( NSA ) are the material base which the socialistic superstructure rely on .

  17. 从不同的角度出发,国有资产有不同的分类方法,其中最基本的是将国有资产分为经营性和非经营性国有资产。

    There are different methods to classify the state-owned assets from the different perspective , the basic method is to divide it into operative assets and non-assets .

  18. 本论文主要研究如何实现该类国有资产的保值、增值问题。论文首先研究了非经营性国有资产的监管模式。

    This dissertation mainly studies how to supervise and manage this kind of state-owned asset . First , this dissertation study of non-operating state-owned assets supervision modes .

  19. 文章就我国非经营性国有资产研究的现状、主要成果以及存在的问题进行了介绍、分析和评述。

    This article offers an introduction , analysis , and appraisal of the current situation of researches , main achievements and existing problems of non-operating state-owned assets .

  20. 但是如同全国一样,非经营性国有资产管理改革比经营性国有资产管理改革要滞后。

    However ; the reform of non operational state owned assets still lags behind that of operational state owned assets , which is a nation wide situation .

  21. 从资产规模、分布以及资金配置渠道等介绍了我国非经营性国有资产状况,阐述了资产配置与社会事业发展的关系。

    Firstly introduces asset size , distribution , financing channels and other conditions of NSA , and sets forth the relationship between asset allocation and development of social undertaking .

  22. 我国国有资产被划分为经营性国有资产、非经营性国有资产和资源性国有资产三大类,其中行政事业性国有资产一般被认为是非经营性国有资产。

    State-owned assets fall into three classes : enterprise-operating assets , administrative assets and assets of natural resources , among which the administrative assets are generally regarded as non-operative assets .

  23. 非经营性国有资产是我国国有资产体系的重要组成部分,在政府公共管理和公共事业发展中发挥着极为重要的作用。

    In our country , Non-profit State-owed Assets are constituent part in State-owed Assets System , and are playing a very important role in the management and public service field of government .

  24. 我国经营性国有资产与非经营性国有资产分类管理模式的建立,即宏观财务从财政体制中分离是一项宏观体制的重大改革。

    Operating state-owned assets and classification of non-operating state-owned assets management model established in our country , namely : Macro financial is separated from the financial system , which is a major macro-institutional reform .

  25. 其中,平等保护具有一定的相对性,它不排斥针对不同物权的特点实行不同的保护规则,特别是对非经营性国有资产实行特殊的保护规则。

    Among these , the principle of equal protection has a definite relativity and applies different protection rules according to the characteristics of different property , especially applies special protection rules to non-operational state-owned capital .

  26. 首先,从公共选择理论、产权理论和委托代理理论入手,深层次地挖掘国有资产管理的理论基础,为非经营性国有资产管理构建了一个理论平台。

    Firstly , starting from theories of public choice , commissioned agency , and property right , seeks for theoretical foundations of management of state-owned assets , providing theoretical platform for management of non-operationally state-owned assets .

  27. 目前,我国非经营性国有资产无论是其监管体制、监管制度,还是其运行绩效都已不能适应市场经济下公共财政体系建设的需要。

    At present , neither the supervising system of relevant institutions nor the running effect of China 's non-profit state-owned capital , has adapted to the need of the construction of public financial system under the situation of market economy .

  28. 随着非经营性国有资产在国有资产中的比重越来越大,如何监管非经营性国有资产使其发挥最大的效用,是当前我国各界关注的问题。

    With the proportion of NSA being higher and higher in the whole state-owed assets , how to supervise NSA to make it exert the greatest utility is a problem that all walks of our country want to pay attention to .