
dānɡ shì rén chén shù
  • litigant's statement
  1. 本文在分析我国当事人陈述制度存在的主要问题之基础上,对大陆法系的询问当事人制度进行了一般考察,最后阐述了当事人陈述制度存在纰漏的原因并对其完善提出了初步的设想。

    This article analyses the main problems of litigant 's statement system of our country , studies question of party system of the continental law countries , expounds the reason of shortcoming of litigant 's statement system , and puts forward tentative plan to perfect litigant 's statement system .

  2. 民事诉讼中的当事人陈述

    On the party 's statement in the civil action

  3. 论当事人陈述在案情查明中的作用&以民事诉讼为范畴

    On Function of Party Statement to Case Inquisition & Research Limited in Civil Procedure

  4. 当事人陈述探微

    On the Statement of the Party

  5. (一)当事人陈述;

    Statements by the parties ;

  6. 既有案情介绍、当事人陈述、证据列举,也有案件审判的阐述以及法律援引。

    Both the case is introduced , the parties , the statement , evidence enumerated , also have this trial and legal quoted .

  7. 对当事人陈述进行以充实程序规则为核心的制度化分析有利于强化其程序功能。

    Analyzing party 's statement in system as the method of proof , is in favor of the exertion of it 's procedure function .

  8. 我国及前苏联等东欧社会主义国家亦历来把当事人陈述作为一项重要的诉讼证据。

    The parties ' statements are also an important suit evidence in China , the ex-Soviet and the east-European Socialist Countries all through the ages .

  9. 随着我国民事诉讼模式的转换,重构当事人陈述制度势在必行。

    The Parties ' Statements in the Civil Litigation With the conversion of the civil action system in our country , it is imperative to reconstruct the system .

  10. 在国外,依据当事人陈述在民事诉讼中所发挥的不同功能而相应设立了当事人听取制度和当事人询问制度。

    At aboard , the institutions of hearing and asking the parties are established according to the different functions that the e parties ' statements have in civil action .

  11. 虽然从理论上能够区分作为证据的当事人陈述,但其融合于当事人的一般辩论过程中则是我国司法实践的普遍现象。

    Although it is possible to distinguish the litigants ' statements as evidence from the process of arguments theoretically , the mixture of statements with arguments is a common phenomenon in the practice of litigation .

  12. 第一、在证据的表现形式方面,春秋战国时期已有物证、书证、证人证言、当事人陈述等形式。

    Firstly , in period of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States , there is material evidence , documentary evidence , testimony of witness , statements of the parties about the classification of evidence in proceedings .

  13. 从当事人陈述这一术语的构成着手,系统分析了当事人陈述的概念、性质、特征、功能、分类以及与民事诉讼模式的关系,期望达到正本清源的效果。

    Beginning with the formation of the nomenclature parties ' statements , the author systematically analyzed the definition , nature , characteristics , function , classification and the relationship with civil action mode of the parties ' statements , wishing to reform radically .

  14. 根据水行政执法程序特点和构成要素(方式、步骤、时间和顺序),设计了水行政执法程序模式:表明身份,告知(通知),当事人陈述(申述),磋商,建议。

    According to the specialty and constitutes ( manner , process , time , and sequence ) of water administration law procedure , a new procedure is designed as follows : showing identity , announcement , client 's declaration , negotiation , and suggestion .

  15. 第一部分系本文的总论部分,分析了当事人陈述的含义、特点、主体、类型及内容,探讨了当事人陈述的功能及其与民事诉讼基本理论的关系。

    The first part is the general program of this thesis , which analyses the parties ' statements ' meaning , character , subject , types , content and so on . It also explores their functions and relationship with the civil litigation basic theory .

  16. 当事人陈述是一种在任何民事案件审理过程中都存在的诉讼材料,其功能的界定直接影响到案件审理的结果,但是其功能的发挥却与诉讼体制的选择或转变密切相关。

    The parties ' statement is a kind of case materials in any civil proceedings . The definition of its function affects the result of the case directly . Furthermore , its function is closely related to the choice or change of the litigation system .

  17. 第四章通过介绍我国在立法与实践中的当事人陈述现状,找到其问题所在,为下文对其进行完善做好铺垫。

    Chapter Four is about the legislation status quo of Litigant Statement in the Code of Civil Law of China & it mainly comes from legislation and practical act . I find the problems in it and pave a good way for the following thesis .

  18. 但我国司法实践中当事人陈述还是处于一个尴尬的地位,加之立法上的粗糙以及当事人陈述这类证据不同其它证据形式的显著特征,当事人陈述在实践中的运用还是屡屡碰壁。

    But stated in the judicial practice in our country is in an awkward position , combined with the legislation on the roughness and the parties statements such evidence is different form the striking feature of other evidence , the parties statements or nationhood in practice application .

  19. 第七十一条人民法院对当事人的陈述,应当结合本案的其他证据,审查确定能否作为认定事实的根据。

    Article 71 The people 's court shall examine the statements of the parties concerned in the light of other evidence in the case to determine whether the statements can be taken as a basis for ascertaining the facts .

  20. 当事人据实陈述义务初探

    A First Discussion Duty of the Honest Statement of the Party

  21. 这次庭审包括法庭调查、法庭辩论和当事人最后陈述等诉讼程序。

    The trial featured the court investigation , debates and final statements .

  22. 当事人的陈述是当然可疑的。

    The statement of an interested party is naturally suspect .

  23. 然后重点阐述了立法听证主体制度中的主持人制度与听证当事人及陈述人制度。

    Then focus on the host system and the relator of the party system .

  24. 当事人双方陈述了案情后,法官将向陪审团转述案子的要点。

    When both sides have presented their case , the judge will sum up .

  25. 试论当事人真实陈述义务

    On the True Obligation of Parties

  26. 当事人的陈述;鉴定结论;勘验笔录、现场笔录。

    Statements of the parties concerned ; Expert conclusions ; Records of the on-site investigation and records made on the scene .

  27. 在事实陈述方面,则以真实义务来规范当事人的陈述,尤其是规范具有特殊效力的民事自认。

    In the statement of facts , we place Obligation of truthfulness to regulate the parties , especially the self-admission with the special effect .

  28. 当事人拒绝陈述的,不影响人民法院根据证据认定案件事实。

    The refusal of a party to make statements shall not prevent the people 's court from ascertaining the facts of a case on the basis of other evidence .

  29. 在合同缔结中,法律强制将当事人事实陈述与保证纳入合同条款,成为目前国际法律实践中的重要通例。

    The position of the offer in current legal system of our country has learn much from the international theoretical experience , but it needed to be clarified and improved .

  30. 仲裁庭应当依照仲裁规则的规定开庭,给予双方当事人平等陈述、辩论的机会,并组织当事人进行质证。

    The arbitral tribunal shall hold a hearing under the arbitration rules , offer both parties equal opportunities to make statements and arguments , and organize them to cross-examine the evidence .