
jù jué zuò zhènɡ quán
  • right to refuse to bear witness
  1. 在平衡作证与隐匿消息来源方面,建议赋予媒体从业者拒绝作证权和确立媒体对匿名消息源的审慎使用制度。

    Third , as an aspect of that how to balance the " witness and anonymous information sources ", author suggests people should endow media practitioner a right to refuse to bear witness and establish a system that how to use anonymous information source cautiously .

  2. 律师的拒绝作证权探索论刑事辩护律师的证言拒绝权

    On the Right of refusing to Testify of criminal Counsel for the Defense

  3. 对国外证人拒绝作证权的法律探究

    Probe into Foreign Witness Legal Right of Testifying Rejection

  4. 证人出庭作证乃是现代诉讼制度的要求,但在特定条件下赋予证人拒绝作证权则是这个原则的例外。

    Witness is required to bear testimony at court in modern litigation system , but there is an exception that give witness a privilege of refusing to bear testimony .

  5. 亲属拒绝作证权制度作为现代法治国家的一项重要证据制度。在世界许多国家的刑事证据立法中都有明确规定。

    As one of the most legal systems in modern rule-by-law countries , the relational right of refusing to be witnesses at court has been stipulated in legislation in most countries all over the world .

  6. 非法证据排除、传闻证据排除、自白任意性、证人拒绝作证权、举证责任分配、证明标准的多元化等,都是利益衡量的典型例证。

    On the area of evidence law , the rules about evidence exclusion , confession freedom , the rights of refuse to be witness , distribute of proof burden , diversification of proof standards , are the typical examples of interests balance .

  7. 在综述各国学者对沉默权的界定、区分沉默权与拒绝作证权、反对自我归罪的特权等概念的基础上,明确了本文意义上的沉默权。

    After the summary of scholars at the definition of the right to silence , the distinction between right to silence and the right to refuse to testify , the privilege against self-incrimination etc. , a clear sense of the Right to Silence of this paper comes out .