
  1. 甲方在接受货物前的拒绝权。

    Party A 's right to reject prior to acceptance of goods .

  2. 强制许可和反垄断法是防止权利人滥用拒绝权的有效方式。

    Compulsory license and antimonopoly law are a valid way to guard against lighter to abuse the right to refuse to license .

  3. 同时也指出,债权人此项权利并不是无条件适用的,分析了其适用的情形及拒绝权阻却的情形,并从主观和客观方面对如何判定适用提出意见。

    Also pointed out that this right is not unconditional application of the creditor , and analysis of its application circumstances and the situation negates the right of rejection , and from the subjective and objective aspects of their views on how to determine the application .

  4. 拒绝交易权的限制问题研究

    Research on Issues about Limitation of Right of Refusal to Deal

  5. 试析公务员拒绝执行权

    On the right of civil servants to rejecting to execute a command

  6. 律师的拒绝作证权探索论刑事辩护律师的证言拒绝权

    On the Right of refusing to Testify of criminal Counsel for the Defense

  7. 对国外证人拒绝作证权的法律探究

    Probe into Foreign Witness Legal Right of Testifying Rejection

  8. 对于每个规则,您可以指定用户或组要满足某一条件,然后才会授予或拒绝访问权。

    With each rule , you can specify a user or group ( s ) to satisfy a condition before access is granted or denied .

  9. 证人出庭作证乃是现代诉讼制度的要求,但在特定条件下赋予证人拒绝作证权则是这个原则的例外。

    Witness is required to bear testimony at court in modern litigation system , but there is an exception that give witness a privilege of refusing to bear testimony .

  10. 拒绝掌管权。当你面临要作出一个巨大的决策时,你可能更倾向于把这项职责转交给其他人。

    Refusal to Take Charge : When it comes to the bigger decisions that you need to make , you may well prefer to abdicate the responsibility to someone else .

  11. 登记机构和有关各方不得拒绝有权检查,复制记录在登记册内的房地产有关的事项,但可以复制适当收取的费用。

    Registration authorities and interested parties may not refuse the right to inspect , copy recorded in the register of real estate related matters , but can copy the appropriate fee charged .

  12. 不方便法院原则是英美法系国家采纳的一项拒绝管辖权的基本原则。我国引入不方便法院原则将有利于国际司法协助,有利于降低诉讼成本。

    Countries of Anglo-American law system adopt inconvenient court principle as a fundamental one to refuse jurisdiction and the introduction of this principle into our country will help international judicial assistance and lower lawsuit cost .

  13. 亲属拒绝作证权制度作为现代法治国家的一项重要证据制度。在世界许多国家的刑事证据立法中都有明确规定。

    As one of the most legal systems in modern rule-by-law countries , the relational right of refusing to be witnesses at court has been stipulated in legislation in most countries all over the world .

  14. 本文从拒绝交易权的分类出发,探讨反垄断法限制拒绝交易权行使的具体情形和限制拒绝交易权行使需要注意的几个问题。

    Based on categories of right of refusal to deal , this essay makes attempt in probing into specific issues of limitation of right of refusal to deal and some matters needing attention from antitrust law .

  15. 为了防止市场主体滥用拒绝交易权,损害实质的公平和正义,反垄断法从维护竞争的角度对市场主体的拒绝交易权进行了限制。

    In order to refrain from abusing business entities right of refusal to deal and destroying substantial justice , business entities right of refusal to deal will be limited in the view of maintaining competition by the antitrust law .

  16. 非法证据排除、传闻证据排除、自白任意性、证人拒绝作证权、举证责任分配、证明标准的多元化等,都是利益衡量的典型例证。

    On the area of evidence law , the rules about evidence exclusion , confession freedom , the rights of refuse to be witness , distribute of proof burden , diversification of proof standards , are the typical examples of interests balance .

  17. 法律应保障证人的正当权益,赋予证人拒绝证言权,对证人因出庭作证而遭受的经济损失应给予物质补偿,对证人的人身安全给予保护,使我国的民事证人出庭作证制度更加完善。

    To perfect our system of witness'appearance , the legislation shall safeguard the witness'legal rights and interests by means of compensating the witness for the economic losses suffered from his appearance before a court and allow the witness a reasonable refusal of testifying .

  18. 在平衡作证与隐匿消息来源方面,建议赋予媒体从业者拒绝作证权和确立媒体对匿名消息源的审慎使用制度。

    Third , as an aspect of that how to balance the " witness and anonymous information sources ", author suggests people should endow media practitioner a right to refuse to bear witness and establish a system that how to use anonymous information source cautiously .

  19. 在综述各国学者对沉默权的界定、区分沉默权与拒绝作证权、反对自我归罪的特权等概念的基础上,明确了本文意义上的沉默权。

    After the summary of scholars at the definition of the right to silence , the distinction between right to silence and the right to refuse to testify , the privilege against self-incrimination etc. , a clear sense of the Right to Silence of this paper comes out .

  20. 2012年,苹果在法院拒绝其商标权后,被迫向一家当地公司支付6000万美元,后者抢先注册了iPad名称。

    Apple was forced in 2012 to pay $ 60m to a local company that had registered the iPad name after a court rejected its right to the trademark .

  21. 中海油上周在北京拒绝就勘探权交易的各个方面置评。

    CNOOC in Beijing last week declined to comment on any aspect of the deal over exploration rights .

  22. 同时,该法只字未提因清不起律师、所以是被有效拒绝了代理权的人。

    And it says nothing about the person who is effectively denied representation because she cannot afford to retain a lawyer .

  23. 在我国,留置权是一种法定担保物权,属于典型的保全型担保物权。留置权制度起源于罗马法恶意抗辩及欺诈抗辩之拒绝给付权。

    Lien is regarded as a form of statutory real right for security and a typical form of preserving real right for security .

  24. 不方便法院原则是英美等国法院本着协调礼让、诉讼经济等目的拒绝行使管辖权的一项制度。

    The doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens in Common Law countries is a legal approach of waiving jurisdictions in order of comity and economical litigation .

  25. 暗杀事件发生在萨利赫拒绝签署交权协议后,萨利赫的拒绝态度也引发了首都萨那的多起巷战,首都多处遭到破坏。

    The attempt on Saleh 's life came after he ducked out of the deal , which ushered in street battles that devastated parts of his capital Sanaa .

  26. 股东查账权是固有权,作为固有权不得被非法剥夺,当权利行使被拒绝时有权请求司法救济。

    Shareholders ' client query is an intrinsic power , which can not be deprived illegally . Shareholders have the right to ask for judicial relief when carrying out right but being refused .

  27. 道理很简单:任何有权拒绝或有权修改项目目标的人都应当在项目启动时审查和批准这些项目目标。

    It 's this simple : anyone who has the power to reject or to demand revision of deliverables after they are complete must be required to examine and approve them as they are being built .

  28. 只有在债务人拒绝与抵押权人合作,或是抵押权人不能采用合法的手段、通过合法的私力救济方式占有担保物的情况下,才有必要求助于司法执行。

    Only in case that the debtor refuses to cooperate with mortgagee or the mortgage can not adopt legal weapon to take possession of mortgaged goods in a legal self-remedy way , it is necessary to turn to judicial execution .

  29. 委员会拒绝授予他们上诉权。

    The board refused to grant them leave to appeal .

  30. 除了中国,因为中国拒绝授予他广播权。

    Except the chinese , who have refused broadcast rights .