
jù jué zuò zhènɡ
  • decline to give evidence
  1. 领事官员拒绝作证,不得对其采取强制措施或者给予处罚。

    If a consular officer should decline to give evidence , no coercive measure or penalty may be applied to him .

  2. 她因拒绝作证而被判藐视法庭罪。

    She was held in contempt for refusing to testify .

  3. 我能拒绝作证吗?

    Can I refuse to give testimony ?

  4. 除非撤销对她的谋杀指控,否则她拒绝作证。

    She refused to testify , unless the murder charge against her was dropped .

  5. 这两个年轻人今天拒绝作证,称他们是出于对自身安全的担心。

    The two youths today declined to testify because they said they feared for their safety .

  6. 据NPR新闻的彼得·奥弗比报道,洛伊斯·勒纳今天出席众议院委员会的听证会时,行使她拒绝作证的权利,这引发了国会成员的愤怒反应。洛伊斯·勒纳被召出席听证会。

    NPR 's Peter Overby reports Lois Lerner invoked her right not to testify before a house committee today , prompting angry responses from members of congress . Lois Lerner appeared under subpena .

  7. 证人拒绝作证制度的传统与现代化

    On the Traditional and Modern Aspects of Witness Refusing to Testify

  8. 第二章,证人拒绝作证特权规则的基本内容。

    Chapter Two is the basic rules of the privileges .

  9. 刑事证人拒绝作证的原因探析

    On reasons why the criminal witness refuses to provide evidence

  10. 你的拒绝作证会使你坐牢一个月。

    Your refusal to testify will cost you a month in jail .

  11. 构建我国证人拒绝作证制度的理性思考

    Rational Thought on Constructing the System of Witness'Refusing to Testify

  12. 律师的拒绝作证权探索论刑事辩护律师的证言拒绝权

    On the Right of refusing to Testify of criminal Counsel for the Defense

  13. 对国外证人拒绝作证权的法律探究

    Probe into Foreign Witness Legal Right of Testifying Rejection

  14. 然而安德森拒绝作证,并且因蔑视法庭罪被监禁。

    Mr Anderson refused to testify and was jailed for contempt of court .

  15. 论刑事诉讼法中证人拒绝作证制度的构建

    Study on System Construction of Witness Declining to Testify in Criminal Procedure Law

  16. 试论证人拒证的原因和对策刑事证人拒绝作证的原因探析

    On the Reason Why the Witness Refuses to Testify

  17. 增设拒绝作证罪的立法思考

    The Legislative Reflections on the Setting Up the Crime of Rejecting to Testify

  18. 我国刑法中增设证人拒绝作证罪的法律构想

    Addition of Crime of Witness ' Refusal to Witness to the Criminal Law

  19. 然而在我国司法实践中,刑事证人拒绝作证现象相当普遍。

    However , in our judicial practice , the witness is quite common .

  20. 设立证人拒绝作证制度刍议

    Preliminary Discussion about Testifying System of Witness Rejection

  21. 尊重拒绝作证的权利。

    To respect the right of refusing testimony .

  22. 证人若具备特殊情形,其拒绝作证完全是一种权利,而非是权利与义务的统一;

    Refusal to bear evidence was his right if he had a special status ;

  23. 抗议委员会苛待拒绝作证的证人。

    To protest at the treatment of the witnesses who had deciined to testify .

  24. 亲亲相隐与证人拒绝作证制度

    Mutual Concealment of Offences Among the Kin ' and System of Witness Refusing to Testify

  25. 关于证人拒绝作证的思考

    Thinking on the Testifier Refusing Bearing Witness

  26. 她为什么试图拒绝作证坎贝尔是全世界薪水最高的名模。

    Why she tried to avoid Campbell is one of the world 's highest paid models .

  27. 欧美一些国家在证据制度中也确立了证人拒绝作证制度。

    Some European countries establish the system of witness refusing to testify as part of evidence system .

  28. 论刑事拒绝作证特权中的利益衡量

    On the weighing of interests in the event of privilege of refusal to bear witness in criminal procedure

  29. 笔者认为,证人拒绝作证的主要原因是其权利没有得到有效的保障,缺乏有效的证人保护措施。

    The author thinks that the main cause for the fact is that there are no effective safeguards and protective measures for witness rights .

  30. 我国现行立法中缺乏证人拒绝作证时的应对措施及严谨的证人保护制度。

    There are no countermeasures in the current laws in our country to reply the case that witness refuses to testify , and no careful witnesses ' protection system .