
  • 网络Juma River
  1. 拒马河北京段原生动物群落特征及其对河流营养状况的指示

    Protozoan community character in relation to trophic level in the Beijing section of the Juma River

  2. 拒马河是一条发源于河北,流经北京后又进入河北的跨省河流。

    Juma River is an inter-province river which rises in Hebei province and flows through Beijing to Hebei province again .

  3. 拒马河原生动物和底栖动物初步调查及水质分析

    Primary Survey on Protozoa and Benthos and Assessment of Water Quality in Juma River

  4. 结果表明,拒马河水生动物种类较为丰富,物种多样性高,水质生物指标综合评价拒马河水体受到轻度和中度污染。

    The results showed that species biodiversity of protozoa and zoobenthos in Juma River is high .