
  • 网络Crispy fried chicken;Deep-fried crispy chicken;Fried chicken
  1. 凯里-欧文简直就是NBA的当红炸子鸡。

    Kyrie Irving is the hottest player in the NBA right now .

  2. 自2012年9月发行首张专辑《NightVisions》后,“梦龙”乐队迅速成为2013年全美乐队“当红炸子鸡”之一。

    Since exploding onto the music scene with their debut album Night Visions in September 2012 , Imagine Dragons have quickly become one of the biggest breakout bands of 2013 .

  3. 而现在,美国当红炸子鸡爱莉安娜•格兰德的加入更印证了这一点。

    And one hot name that adds more conviction to the list is US singer Ariana Grande .