
jì wén
  • funeral oration;elegiac address;epitaph
祭文 [jì wén]
  • [funeral oration;elegiac address] 祭奠死者或供奉神仙时唱读的文章

祭文[jì wén]
  1. 《伊洛渊源录》卷八所载有关吕大临的《祭文》作者为吕大防无疑。

    There is no doubt that the author of LV Da-lin 's funeral oration was Lu Dafang .

  2. 柳宗元死后,韩愈为其撰写了祭文和墓志铭后,又写了《柳州罗池庙碑》一文。

    After Liu zongyuan 's death , Han Yu had composed the funeral oration , the epitaph and Liuzhou Luochi Miao Bei to him .

  3. 第三章,吊文和祭文研究。

    Chapter IV , hanging text and elegiac study .

  4. 你再用祭文把我送回到火之梦中。

    You will reverse the summons , returning me to the fire dreams .

  5. 奥巴马总统将在丧礼上发表祭文。

    President Obama will be delivered the funeral oration .

  6. 魏晋是中国历史上有名的乱世,悼祭文在此时繁盛。

    Wei Jin is the famous tumultuous times , in the Chinese history .

  7. 它不在那里!龙神返回的祭文不在这里!

    It was not here . The ritual of return was not here .

  8. 他在亡友灵前宣读了一篇感人的祭文。

    He read a beautiful address to the soul of his dead friend .

  9. 神父的祭文有韵味吗?

    Did the priest give a poetic benediction ?

  10. 第五章,哀祭文发展、演变的原因研究。

    Chapter VI , sad elegiac development , and the reasons for the evolution of research .

  11. 林肯的就职演说,勇敢,祭文,因为它被说成飓风。

    Lincoln 's inaugural address , brave and elegiac as it was , was speaking into a hurricane .

  12. 并结合史料对《伊洛渊源录》卷八关于吕大临的《祭文》之作者作出合乎逻辑的考辨。

    An analysis of the historical book of Yi Luo Yuan Yuan Lu suggests the author of LV Da-lin 's funeral oration .

  13. 唐代作为祭文文体发展中最重要的一个阶段,其重要性自然不言而喻。

    Tang Dynasty conduct and actions elegiac essay literary style development inside the most important a stage , its importance nature is obvious .

  14. 本文着重探讨明人自传文的文体类型、写作动机与叙事特征,文体类型包括序、状、述、传、记、墓志铭、祭文、吊文;

    This paper mainly explores the forms of style , writing motives , and narrative features of the autobiographical writings of the Ming Dynasty .

  15. 而谢惠连的为人有瑕疵,但不害《祭古冢文》之在古代祭文史上的重安地位。

    Xie Huilian 's " Elegiac to Ancient Tombs " plays an important role in the history of ancient elegiac addresses except for his imperfectness in conducting himself .

  16. 同时,本文对哀祭文文本的文学性探讨,也为汉魏六朝文学文化学的研究作了微小的补充。

    At the same time , the literariness discusses on Elegiac address in this paper may also can be supplement for study of literary culture in Wei-Jin , Southern & Northern Dynasties .

  17. 哀祭文是一种古老的文体样式,是用来抒发哀情,表示悼念的,与古代的祭礼有着一定的历史渊源。

    Elegiac address is used to express the feeling of grief or memoriam . As a literary form which has a long history , funeral oration has a historical origin with ancient cult .

  18. 目前对韩愈作品的研究,主要集中于诗歌,散文中则偏重于杂著、书、序、祭文。韩愈的墓志铭是古代散文中的优秀作品,而对于这样一株奇葩却缺乏应有的关注。

    The researches of Han Yu ′ s works have been focused on his poems , and letters , prefaces , funeral orations in his essays while little attention is paid to his epitaphs .

  19. 该时期的哀祭文,上承先秦我国各种文体之起源,下开唐宋哀祭文抒情之传统。

    The period of mourning funeral oration , the bearing of the origin of the pre-Qin China all kinds of sports , the next opening of the Tang and Song lyric tradition of elegiac sorrow .

  20. 哀祭文,作为汉魏晋时期文章家族中的一大成员,在我国古代文化和文学史上,都占有很重要的地位。

    Sad funeral oration , as the article during the Hanwei Jin one of the major members of the family in the country of ancient culture and literary history , occupied a very important position .

  21. 那怕在这一天为故人墓上插一株柳条,洒一壶酒,写上一篇祭文,亦能表达对逝者的感念和祭奠。

    Even if in this day as the tomb of the dead person inserted a wicker , sprinkle jug of wine , write a funeral oration , able to express their gratitude for his dead , and memorial .

  22. 在周瑜柩前,诸葛亮亲自奠酒,跪在地上读祭文,泪如泉涌,悲痛不已,众将均被感动。

    Before Zhou Yu 's coffin , Zhuge Liang personally offered libation , kneeled on the ground , and read his eulogy . Tears of grief gushed forth from Zhuge Liang . All the generals from Wu were moved .

  23. 从中国古代祭文发展史来看,《祭古冢文》开启祭奠无名冢的先河,对后世此类著作影响颇大。

    From development history of the ancient chinese elegiac words , " Elegiac words of Ancient Tombs " bad opened and payed homage to anonymous ancient tomb , gave a lot of influence on the later of such works .

  24. 悼祭文发轫于汉魏时期,此后蓬勃发展,至唐蔚为大观,对其流变和内容进行分类具有可行性和必要性。

    Mourns the memorial ceremony oration to start at the time of Han and Wei , here after the vigorous development , presents an impressive sight to Tang Dynasty , changes to it with the content carries on the classification to have the feasibility and the necessity .