
fēi biān mǎ qū
  • non-coding region
  1. DNA非编码区的进化

    The evolution of DNA non-coding region

  2. STR在整个人类基因组中分布广泛,绝大多数位于非编码区,及少数在编码区,它们的生物学功能至今仍未完全阐明。STR代表基因组内不稳定的区域,比非重复DNA序列的突变频率高得多。

    STR are widely distributed humankind genome mostly in non-coding region , a few coding region , whole biological functions are not completely illustrated .

  3. 国内外研究表明DNA组分非编码区具有的启动子功能。

    Each DNA component contains encoding region and non-coding one .

  4. 寻找水稻DNA编码与非编码区边界方法的比较研究

    Comparison Study on the Methods for Finding Borders Between Coding and Non-coding DNA Regions in Rice

  5. 单股正链RNA病毒基因组3′非编码区的高级结构与功能研究进展

    The Progress in 3 ′ Untranslated Region of Single Strand Plus RNA Virus

  6. 小RNA病毒两端的非编码区对病毒的复制和翻译具有极其重要的作用。

    The non-coding regions ( NCRs ) of picornavirus play an important role in the virus replication and translation .

  7. 这些MITE随机分布在染色体臂的非编码区。

    These MITEs randomly distributed on noncoding regions of chromosome arms .

  8. mtDNA由编码区和非编码区构成。

    MtDNA is composed of coding and non - coding region .

  9. 肺癌细胞系线粒体DNA非编码区序列变异研究3个鼠源性肿瘤线粒体DNA编码区基因RFLP分析

    Variation of mitochondrial DNA noncoding region in lung cancer cell lines The RFLP analysis on mutation of mtDNA from mouse tumors

  10. 并用PCR-RFLP方法分析了癌细胞mtDNA非编码区结构变化。

    The structure of noncoding region of mtDNA was analyzed by PCR-RFLP .

  11. 抑制性RNA在细胞内对丙型肝炎病毒5′非编码区翻译启动的抑制作用

    Effect of inhibitor RNA on intracellular inhibition of viral gene expression in 5 ′ - noncoding region of hepatitis C virus

  12. 4株SARS冠状病毒中国分离株3′非编码区的序列测定及分析

    Determination and Analysis of 3 ′ Untranslated Regions of 4 Strains of SARS Coronavirus Isolated in China

  13. 紫菜种内rDNA非编码区序列及系统发育分析

    Sequences and Phylogeny Analysis of rDNA Noncoding Region in Intraspecies of Porphyra

  14. 除了致病性基因突变,非编码区的序列改变也可改变RP的易感性。

    Besides the disease-causing mutations , non-coding sequence alterations may also be a modifier for RP.

  15. 非编码区ITS(TheInternalTranscribedSpacer)片段是目前分子系统学研究中应用最广的分子标记之一。

    ITS ( the Internal Transcribed Spacer ) is one of the most widely used molecular sequences in molecular systematics .

  16. BCL-6基因5′非编码区点突变与结外弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤的相关性研究

    The study of relationship between the mutation of 5 ′ noncoding region of BCL-6 gene and extranodal diffuse large B cell lymphoma

  17. TMV蚕豆株系CP基因及3′端非编码区序列分析与表达

    The analysis and expression of the 3 ′ unencoded end and CP gene of broad bean strain of TMV

  18. 含74个腺嘌呤poly(A)尾的猪水泡病病毒HK/70株3′非编码区的克隆及其特征分析

    Molecular cloning and characterization of 3 ′ non-translated region of swine vesicular disease virus HK / 70 strain with 74 adenines poly ( A ) tail

  19. 马传染性贫血病毒非编码区LTR嵌合克隆的生物学特性

    Characterization of a LTR Chimeric Infectious Clone of Chinese Equine Infectious Anemia Virus

  20. 蓝舌病毒HbC3株S7基因5′非编码区序列分析

    Sequence Analysis of S7 5 ′ - NCR Gene of Bluetongue Virus-HbC_3 Strain

  21. 对SVM采用了拟南芥全序列数据,对序列中的编码区序列和非编码区序列进行了研究。

    For the SVM classifier , we use the complete sequence of arabidopsis thaliana to research the coding region and the non coding region in DNA sequences .

  22. 结果序列分析表明,中国丙型肝炎病人HCV基因组3′非编码区由4部分组成:高度变异区、Poly(U)区、Poly(U/C)区和98碱基区。

    Results Sequence analysis showed that Chinese HCV genomic 3 NCR consists of three parts : the 5 region , poly ( UUC ) tract and the 98 base region .

  23. STR绝大部分分布于人类基因组非编码区,少数分布在编码区,平均每6-10kb就有一个STR基因座。

    Most of the STR loci locate in the non-coding regions of human genome , and the few is in the coding region .

  24. 根据HCV5′端非编码区(5′NCR)设计特异型探针和引物,制作DNA芯片。在实验过程中,我们对PCR条件、杂交条件以及显色条件等进行了优化。

    Probes and primers were designed according to the sequence of HCV 5 ' non-coding region ( 5'NCR ) to fabricate DNA chip .

  25. 查阅NCBI病毒基因库,比对同源序列,设计丙型肝炎病毒RNA5′末端非编码区的通用PCR引物,并用地高辛标记。

    Consult in gene bank at NCBI to compare the homologous sequences , and then design common PCR primers in HCV 5-non-coding region with digoxin labels .

  26. bcl-6基因非编码区结构多态性及蛋白表达与移行上皮癌关系研究

    Study of structural polymorphism of bcl-6 gene non-coding exon and its protein expression in transitional cell carcinomas

  27. 目的:分析深圳地区手足口病病人肠道病毒(EV)5′端非编码区(5′UTR)部分基因序列,了解本地区手足口病病人EV感染的基因型。

    Objective : To analyze the partial sequences of 5 ′ UTR of Enterovirus from Patients with Hand Foot Mouth Disease ( HFMD ) in Shenzhen .

  28. 5'端非编码区(NR)长120nt,基因间隔区(IR)长296nt,3'端NR区含301个碱基。

    The non coding regions ( NR ) located at 5'terminal and 3'terminal were 120 nt and 301 nt , respectively , and the intergenic region ( IR ) was 296 nt long .

  29. 应用改良一步法提取七种肺癌细胞系mtDNA,设计引物扩增非编码区,PCR产物直接测序,以剑桥序列为标准,对比分析D-环区序列mtMSI情况。

    The products of polymerase chain reaction were sequenced directly . The microsatellite instability state of noncoding region was analysed , compared to the Cambridge sequence of mtDNA .

  30. 同时,给出一种加窗傅立叶变换的方法,可以识别出DNA序列中的编码区和非编码区。然后将基因编码区的隐马尔科夫模型与前向算法相结合,实现了对外显子的识别。

    At the same time , the Fourier method based on sliding window is applied to identify the coding and noncoding regions in DNA sequences . Thirdly , the forward algorithm integrated with the Hidden Markov Model of coding regions is applied to predict exons in genes .