
fēi huán yuán tánɡ
  • Non reducing sugar;nonreducing sugar
  1. 这些结果说明,CO2对稻谷有一定的保质作用。但对稻谷的还原糖、非还原糖、布拉班德粘度最高值和发芽率没有明显的影响。

    The effect of CO2 on reducing sugar , non ─ reducing sugar , the highest value of viscosity and germination was not significant .

  2. 愈伤组织在处理培养期间,淀粉和非还原糖含量的动态变化受ABA影响明显。

    During the period of rice culture , the contents of starch and non-reducing sugar were also significantly affected by ABA .

  3. 在谢花后59d以前,可溶性糖以还原糖为主,之后以非还原糖为主;

    Before 59 d after anthesis , the reducing sugar content was high in the total content of soluble sugar and after that , the non-reducing sugar content was high ;

  4. 还原糖与非还原糖含量的变化趋势在花后110d前基本一致,但在花后110d后恰好相反,还原糖含量下降,非还原糖含量上升;

    The reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar content showed no difference on the whole before 110d after anthesis , but evidently trends of changes after 110d after anthesis , the reducing sugar content decreased gradually , the non-reducing content increased gradually ;

  5. GB/T5513-1985粮食、油料检验还原糖和非还原糖测定法

    Inspection of grain and oilseeds & Methods for determination of reduced sugar and non-reduced sugar

  6. 还原糖和非还原糖对面团延伸性的影响也不同。

    The influence of reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar for extensibility of dough were also different .

  7. 菊苣根在贮藏过程中,还原糖的含量先急剧上升,后缓慢下降,非还原糖、可溶性蛋白的含量逐渐降低。

    The content of reducing sugar rose fast and the content of non-reducing sugar declined in a short time after harvested .

  8. 马铃薯丰产群体植株光合产物日变化规律的研究(二)非还原糖含量及其日变化

    Studies on the patterns of Photosynthate diurnal variation in potato high yield population plants ⅱ . non-reducing sugar content and its diurnal variation

  9. 定期取样,测定大米的脂肪酸、水溶酸、还原糖、非还原糖、粘度和过氧化物酶活性的变化。

    The samples were taken regularly to determine fatty acid , soluble acid , reducing sugar , non-reducing sugar , viscosity and peroxidase .

  10. 可溶性糖总量随果实的生长而增加,但还原糖与非还原糖含量的变化趋势恰好相反;

    The total content of soluble sugar increased gradually with the fruit maturing , but the reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar content showed evidently different trends of changes ;

  11. 结果表明:果实发育早期,果实中的可溶性糖主要是还原糖;中后期,还原糖维持在相对较低的水平,非还原糖大量积累。

    Results showed that most soluble sugars had been reduced at early stage of fruit development , the reduced sugar maintained in a low level during mid and late stage of fruit development while non-reduced sugars accumulated .

  12. 试验结果还表明.可溶性糖、还原糖、非还原糖、固形物等含量.均在采后第5天明显增高,果皮从深绿转为淡绿色。

    Experimental results also showed that the contents of soluble sugar , reducing sugar , non-reducing sugar and the soluble-solid in the fruits increased markedly after harvest for 5 days , the peel color changed from deep green to pole green .

  13. 结果表明:始花自根苗的叶片,非还原糖含量从茎基部到开花节位逐渐增加,在开花节位降低,近植株顶端又增加;

    The results showed that there was a progressive increase of leaf non-reducing sugar along the stem up from the base end to the blossoming node , followed by a constant decrease which showed a final increase as the apex was approached .

  14. 对国内不同储藏区域、储藏时间的74个商品稻谷样品的发芽率、脂肪酸值、粘度、还原糖、非还原糖和降落值进行了测定。

    The 74 commercial paddy samples from different storage regions and with different storage time were investigated . The conventional storage quality parameters such as sprouting percentage , viscosity , fatty acid value , reduced sugar content and non-reduced sugar content were analyzed for each sample .

  15. 因为它没有还原性末端,它是一个非还原性糖。

    Since it has no reducing end , it is a nonreducing sugar .

  16. 报导了一株非还原性二糖&海藻糖产生菌的筛选过程。

    The process of screening a bacterium strain producing trehalose , a non-reducing disacchride , was reported .

  17. 海藻糖是由两分子的葡萄糖通过α-1,1-糖苷键构成的一种非还原性二糖,广泛存在于细菌、真菌、酵母、昆虫及植物等生物体内。

    Trehalose is a non-reducing disaccharide , consisting of two α - 1,1-linked glucose molecules . It is found in various organisms , including bacteria , fungi , yeasts , insects , and some plants .