
  • 网络Non-zero value;Nonzero;true
  1. 利用400GeV/cpp碰撞多粒子产生的实验数据计算了QCD分支过程的熵指数,得到了非零值,熵指数随末态粒子平均多重数的减小而增大。

    The entropy indices of QCD branching process are calculated from the data of 400GeV / c pp collisions . The nonzero values of entropy indices are obtained . The entropy indices are increased with decreasing average multiplicity 's of the final states .

  2. 如果给定链表为空,则返回非零值。

    Returns a nonzero value if the given list is empty .

  3. 这个值只在utilimpactpriority设置为非零值时有意义。

    This value will only be meaningful when util_impact_priority is set to non-zero .

  4. 最后,该函数返回一个可供调用者测试的值;按照PHP约定,0表示出错,而任何非零值表示成功。

    Finally , the function returns a value that can be tested by the caller ; by PHP convention , 0 indicates an error occurred , while any non-zero value indicates success .

  5. 当INTADROFF被设置为非零值,跳表添加到监测,以便中断被重定向到相应的中断处理在指定的抵消。

    When INT_ADR_OFF is set to a non-zero value , a jump table is added to the monitor so that interrupts are redirected to the corresponding interrupt address at the specified offset .

  6. 如果设置这个变量,那么当脚本或程序返回非零值时tcsh会显示退出状态,这会指出潜在的错误。

    If you set this variable , tcsh displays the exit status whenever a script or program returns a non-zero value , thereby indicating a potential error .

  7. 如果指定的本地端口是一个非零值,则对超级用户特权进行检查,以确定绑定是否位于保留的端口(例如,根据Berkley约定,端口号<1024)。

    If the local port specified is a non-zero value , a check is made for the super user privilege if the binding is on a reserved port ( for example , port number < 1024 , per Berkley convention ) .

  8. 请为秒数输入一个非零值。

    Please enter a non-zero value for number of seconds .

  9. 程序按这种方式执行并打印具有非零值循环计数。

    It does so and prints out the loop count with nonzero value .

  10. 其中一个返回0;另一个返回一个非零值。

    One of them returns 0 ; the other , a non-zero value .

  11. 如果原子操作返回非零值,则当前有一个事件正在执行。

    If the atomic operation returns non-zero , an event is currently executing .

  12. 返回值为零,说明是一次成功的解析,否则返回的是非零值。

    The return value is zero for a successful parse , and non-zero otherwise .

  13. 请输入一个非零值。

    Please enter a nonzero value .

  14. 非零值表示存在清空积压,或批中仍有要处理的项。

    A nonzero value could indicate a vacuuming backlog or that items in the batches still require processing .

  15. 非零值对比加权平均评分法在优化给排水工程方案中的应用

    Application of UN-ZERO compared weighted averaging estimation for the optimalization of the programme of water and wastewater works

  16. 如果该参数被设为一个非零值,那么一个代理在完成其工作后不会被销毁。

    If the parameter is set to a non-zero value , then an agent is not destroyed after it completes its work .

  17. 将这个常量设置为非零值,以便显示诊断消息;或者将其设置为零,以便抑制诊断消息。

    Set this constant to a non-zero value to enable diagnostic messages to be printed or set it to zero to suppress them .

  18. 若φ在30°~120°或更小的范围,则此空间的非零值将会变小。

    If angle ψ ranges from 30 ° to 120 °( or smaller range ), the nonzero area in the plane will reduce .

  19. 通过对图像进行奇异值分解,将一幅图像转换成只包含几个非零值的奇异值矩阵,实现图像压缩。

    Digital image is transformed into singular value matrix that contains non-zero singular values by singular value decomposition ( SVD ), the image is compressed .

  20. 理论推导表明,随机相位谐波过程时间平均三阶累积量为非零值,而且其一维切片仍然是谐波过程。

    Theoretical derivation indicates that time averaged three-order cumulant of signals , which are from ( random ) phase harmonic processes , is nonzero and its one-dimension slice is also a harmonic process .

  21. 经典量子力学中粒子的基态场值,对应于量子场论中的真空期待值,场值的非零和零值,直接与背景空间的平坦性有关。

    The value of ground state field for particle in classical quantum mechanics corresponds to expected vacuum value in quantum field theory while non-zero and zero value of field value is directly related to smoothness of background space .

  22. 根据约定,UNIX返回零(0)表示成功,返回非零表示失败,其中非零值反映所发生的错误类型。

    By convention , UNIX commands return zero ( 0 ) for success and non-zero for failure , where the non-zero value reflects the kind of error that occurred .