
miàn bāo shù
  • breadfruit tree;bread tree;bread fruit
  1. 我们在这棵猴面包树下的确发现了人类的骨骼,但它不可能是“恶魔之树”吃人后留下的。

    We discovered human skeleton really below this monkey bread tree , but it cannot be " diabolical tree " after having a person , stay .

  2. 小王子到了地球上,那是他明白他那可笑的伎俩后面是缱绻柔情,那时他的悲伤如那颗星球上疯长的猴面包树。

    The little prince to the earth , when he understood her ridiculous trick behind Embrace in tenderness , when he 's sad , such as sinking , soaring on the planet monkey bread tree .

  3. 我还为我画的猴面包树感到骄傲呢!

    I had been so proud of my baobabs !

  4. 他们自以为要占很大地方,他们把自己看得象猴面包树那样大得了不起。

    They imagine that they fill a great deal of space . They fancy themselves as important as the baobabs .

  5. 就这样,第三天我就了解到关于猴面包树的悲剧。

    It was in this way that I heard , on the third day , about the catastrophe1 of the baobabs .

  6. 我对小王子说,猴面包树可不是小灌木,而是像教堂那么大的大树;

    I pointed2 out to the little prince that baobabs were not little bushes , but , on the contrary , trees as big as castles ;

  7. 它的树根能把星球钻透,如果星球很小,而猴面包树很多,它就把整个星球搞得支离破碎。

    It bores clear through it with its roots . And if the planet is too small , and the baobabs are too many , they split it in pieces …

  8. 我从来不大愿意以道学家的口吻来说话,可是猴面包树的危险,大家都不大了解,对迷失在小行星上的人来说,危险性非常之大,因此这一回,我贸然打破了我的这种不喜欢教训人的惯例。

    I do not much like to take the tone of a moralist . But the danger of the baobabs is so little understood , and such considerable risks would be run by anyone who might get lost on an asteroid9 , that for once I am breaking through my reserve .

  9. 我还计划到猴面包树内部去我想走入Pierce礼堂不踩到学校图章上

    I had planned to go inside the upside-down tree I wanted to walk into Pierce , not stepping on the college seal .

  10. 米歇尔·西维尔(MichelleSewell)说,“你知道,这种淀粉类东西吃了容易长胖,而且也不好吃。”她住在毛伊岛,房子外头就有面包树,但她从来不吃面包果。

    ' You know , it 's fattening and it doesn 't even taste that good , 'says Michelle Sewell , who has breadfruit trees outside her home on Maui island but never eats the fruit .

  11. 猴面包树生长在西非和澳大利亚。

    The baobab tree grows in the west Africa and Australia .

  12. 猴面包树对一种很贪婪的树

    Baobab ? Yeah . It 's a very greedy tree .

  13. 菲律宾树种,类似于面包树的可食果实。

    Philippine tree similar to the breadfruit tree bearing edible fruit .

  14. 他需要一只羊来吃掉猴面包树的萌芽

    He needed a sheep to eat the baobab sprouts .

  15. 这个时候,康塞尔和我选了面包树上最好的果子摘下来。

    Meanwhile Conseil and I selected the finest artocarpus fruit .

  16. 椰子树和面包树就在他们小木屋的门前生长。

    Coconut palms and breadfruit trees grew at the doors of their huts .

  17. 这是飞行员画给你的在地球的那片沙漠中让小羊吃猴面包树

    The Aviator gave it to you in the desert on Earth , to eat the baobabs .

  18. 但布莱船长手下的船员叛乱,把采集来的数百棵面包树扔下了船。

    Bligh 's Bounty crew mutinied , they tossed overboard the hundreds of breadfruit plants he had collected .

  19. 一棵老猴面包树的巨大的空心树干可以容纳许多人。

    An old tree has such a huge , hollow trunk , that it can hold many people .

  20. 这些树跟面包树一样有用,一样宝贵,正是马来亚地方最有用的产物之一。

    As valuable as the artocarpus , these trees are justly ranked among the most useful produce in Malaysia .

  21. 被激怒了的大象,在矮树丛中东奔西窜猴面包树生长在西非和澳大利亚。

    An enraged elephant crashing about in the undergrowth The baobab tree grows in the west Africa and Australia .

  22. 我知道你是谁你是小王子你害怕猴面包树

    I know who you are ! You 're the Little Prince , and you 're afraid of baobabs !

  23. 这些男人拉下面包树直到它几乎折断,而绑住它们的绳索则断了。

    And the men pulled down the breadfruit till it nearly snapped , and the rope which tied them broke .

  24. 而当我画猴面包树时,有一种急切的心情在激励着我。

    When I made the drawing of the baobabs I was carried beyond myself by the inspiring force of urgent necessity .

  25. 她从猴面包树的油中制取化妆品,但从未用的果实的粉末。

    She was making cosmetics from the baobab tree oil but had no use for the powder from the tree fruit .

  26. 温室中的景致包括球根状的南美树木,巨大的多汁植物,非洲猴面包树,以及由鲜红色和金色鲜花织成的巨大花毯。

    Its landscape embraces bulbous South American trees , huge succulents , African baobabs and vast fiery carpets of red and gold flowers .

  27. 在马达加斯加几株面包树就好像古罗马废墟入口处的那些柱子一样,装饰在一条土路的两旁。

    Like the pillars at the entrance of an ancient Roman ruin , a stand of baobab trees frames a dirt road in Madagascar .

  28. 因为在小王子的星球上,有些非常可怕的种子这就是猴面包树的种子。

    Now there were some terrible seeds on the planet that was the home of the little prince ; and these were the seeds of the baobab .

  29. 我说的是面包树,在格波罗尔岛上,这种树非常多,我特别留心那没有核仁的一种,马来亚语管它叫利马。

    I mean the breadfruit tree , which is quite abundant on Gueboroa Island , and there I chiefly noted the seedless variety that in Malaysia is called rima .

  30. 猴面包树,非洲的“生命之树”——为非洲妇女提供了谋生之道,同样也和世界各地的食品一样,正在美国逐渐流行起来。

    Baobab -- " The Tree of Life " in Africa -- providing a livelihood for African women and trying like so many international foods to catch on in the United States .