
miàn xiàn
  • upper thread;facial suture
面线[miàn xiàn]
  1. 在研究传统故障诊断理论和现代故障诊断理论的基础上,采用故障树分析(FTA)建立了胎面线控制系统的故障诊断模型。

    On the basis of studying the theory of traditional and modern fault diagnosis , we established the fault diagnosis model of the system by using FTA ( Fault Tree Analysis ) .

  2. 曲面急变流水面线及床面压力的计算

    Calculation of Water Surface Line and Bed Pressure on Curved Channels

  3. 山区性河流水面线计算改进

    Improvement of water level calculation of rivers in mountainous district

  4. 基于粗糙度的连拱隧道开挖断面线分析

    Analysis on the Excavating Section Lines by Roughness for Doubled Arch Tunnels

  5. 梯形断面明渠非均匀渐变流水面线计算的数值方法

    A Numerical Method for Open & channel Water Surface Profiles of Trapezoid

  6. 工业缝纫机面线张力控制系统中的降噪方法

    Method of Noise Reduction in Industrial Sewing Machine Surface Tension Control System

  7. 非棱柱体明渠非均匀渐变流水面线定性分析与计算

    Qualitative examination and calculation on surface curves of nonprismatic channel nonuniform transition flow

  8. 超声速升力面线化非定常气动载荷计算

    The computation for supersonic linearized loads of lifting surface

  9. 前襟边面线宽度不均匀。

    Uneven width of top-stitches at closure edge .

  10. 小底坡多道弯道急流水面线简易计算方法

    Simple Calculation Method for Rapid Flow Surface in Multiple Bend on Small Bottom Slope

  11. 单叶双曲面线切割加工

    Wire cutting of hyperboloid of one sheet

  12. 常用日晷晷面线图设计

    Figure Design of General Sundial Surface

  13. 分左右手,佩戴更舒适,底线面线都是粗线。

    Points left and right , to wear more comfortable , the bottom line is thick noodles .

  14. 在此基础上本文从面线点三个层次对小城镇过境公路展开研究。

    Based on this , this article make a study on small town through-highway from the " area-line-point " three levels .

  15. 给出了一个实用、有效的曲面急变流水面线及床面压力的计算方法。

    A practical and effective calculation method of water surface line and bed pressure on curved beds of channels is presented in this paper .

  16. 可方便的调节面线的进线量,以适应各种不同的布料,因此可在缝纫启动时精确的调整线量。

    Feed amount of needle thread can be adjusted to fit in with materials to be sewn . Thus , stitches can always be accurately made when sewing starts .

  17. 店主特别推荐鸡窝包、红酒面线、福州海鲜面、灌汤饺及酥炸薄饼等。

    The chef 's recommended dishes are Chicken Nest Bun , Rice Noodles with Red Wine , Fuzhou Seafood Noodles , Dumpling in Soup , Fried Pancake , and etc.

  18. 新儿的母亲说着,轻轻的夹起几条面线,向唇边吹了两下,喂着新儿。

    As xin-er 's mother spoke , she picked a few strands of noodle , drew them to her lips to blow a couple of times and began to feed him .

  19. 直线缝锁式线迹缝纫机是用来缝制样品或试穿用样服的、线迹由面线和底线组成,两者连接形成。

    The straight stitching lock stitch machine is used for seaming up sample garments or toiles . It has a top and an under thread which interlock to form the stitch .

  20. 依据成缝原理,从底面线的张力分析入手,找出影响缝纫张力的因素并提出了相应的措施。

    According to the principle of stitching , through the analysis of top and invisiable stitch , effected factors have been found and some measures have been put forward in this paper .

  21. 以电脑刺绣机为研究对象,根据刺绣机的面线消耗量和刺绣的可缝性,分析了挑线机构的设计要求;

    According to the needle thread requirement and supply and the performance of sewing in embroidery machine , the demand of the design of take-up lever mechanism is analyzed in the paper .

  22. 购买蚵仔面线时,商家通常会问要不要加辣,此外也可多加醋、蒜泥、香菜等调味。

    When serving , the shop owner often provides the choice of spicy or not spicy . Finally , vinegar , ground garlic , cilantro , and other condiments can also be added .

  23. 油业民营化了后加油站大竞争,毋单送矿泉水及面线,搁有送红标米酒倘好吸收郎客。

    The privatization of the oil industry has led gas stations to give away not only bottled mineral water and facial issues but now also red-labeled rice wine as a way to attract customers .

  24. 正如片名所示,该片描写的是在夜市上售卖台湾美食比如比手掌还大的烤鸡排和蚵仔面线的小摊贩们的生活。

    As its title suggests , it is about the lives of a community of night market small stallowners selling such uniquely Taiwanese delicacies as fried chicken filets larger than your palm and oyster noodles .

  25. 为此,本文系统介绍确定断层几何参数的解析方法,并给出能够单值求出断层交面线倾向方位角和断层角的公式。

    This paper deals with a kind of analytic method which is applied to determine the geometrical parameter of faults , to get formula of dip direction azimuth of line of intersecting plane of faults and dip angle of fault plane .

  26. 对适用于道路改造纵断面计算机自动设计的数学模型、计算机实现方法进行了探讨,采用最小二乘曲线拟合法拟和出最贴近原地面线的纵断面曲线,达到工程量最小的目的。

    This paper discusses the maths model and the method for the automatic design of profile for road improvement project , produces the profile curve which joints the former horizon by least squares curve fitting method , so it can achieve the purpose of the least engineering work .

  27. 本文通过MATLAB软件来实现地质多元统计分析中的因子分析计算和趋势面等值线的绘制,并初步探讨了利用MATLAB进行地质多元统计分析的计算和绘图方法。

    The text is achieving gene analysis of Geologic Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis and the drawing of isoline by MATLAB , and discusses elementarily the methods of solving the count and drawing of Geologic Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis .

  28. 研究区基底变质岩系应力变形机制为伸展横向置换作用,其变形结果是应变椭球体的X、Y轴应变量同时增大,而Z轴应变量减小,即X>Y>1>Z,结果是面理比线理发育。

    The deformation mechanism of the basement metamorphic series is transversal tectono-transposition of extension regime . The result is the X-axis and Y-axis of the strain ellipsoid extended , while the Z-axis shortened . That is X > Y > 1 > Z.

  29. 西门子S7-300PLC在胎面联动线控制系统中的应用

    The application of S7-300 PLC to the controlling system of the tire tread production line

  30. 该方法利用SolidWorks软件的相关功能,生成斜齿轮的端面和法面轮廓线,并沿螺旋线扫描获得斜齿轮廓面,最终使用VC++6.0和SolidWorks软件API实现对斜齿轮的三维精确建模。

    By using the related functions of solidworks , the transverse and normal profiles of helical gears are generated . The paper also describes how to use API of SolidWorks and VC + + 6.0 to carry out precise 3D modeling of helical gears .