
biān pào
  • maroon;marroon;firecracker;a string of small firecrackers;banger
鞭炮 [biān pào]
  • (1) [firecracker]∶爆竹

  • (2) [a string of small firecrackers]∶指成串的小爆竹

鞭炮[biān pào]
  1. 鞭炮劈里啪啦地响。

    The firecrackers were crackling and spluttering .

  2. 利用~(40)K的γ辐射无损探测鞭炮

    A method of using γ - ray spectrum of ~ ( 40 ) k to detect firecrackers

  3. 目的:观察湿润暴露疗法(MEBT)对鞭炮爆炸伤的治疗效果。

    Objective : To observe the efficacy of MEBT in treating firecracker burn .

  4. 如果我坚持拿饺子、盗版DVD、及她们私藏的在农历新年可能炸掉她们胳膊的鞭炮去讨好她们的话,我在教育她们去爱中国时会幸运得多。

    I might have had more luck in teaching them to love China if I had stuck to bribing them with dumplings , bootleg DVDs and their own private stash of fireworks with which to risk blowing their arms off at lunar new year .

  5. 人民需要放鞭炮

    Organization and Set off for the Fireworks Display People Need Firecrackers

  6. B:当然好啊,你们会放鞭炮吗?

    B : Of course . Will you set off firecrackers ?

  7. 到了十二点,大年初一了,街上响起鞭炮声。

    By midnight , New Year , firecrackers sounded the street .

  8. 隔壁几家公馆里的鞭炮声响得更密了。

    A string of firecrackers rattled in the compound next door .

  9. 十月一日国庆节,我们在各地放鞭炮。

    On October lst we set off firecrackers in many places .

  10. 他们也燃放鞭炮以制造巨大声响。

    They set off firecrackers to make loud noises , too .

  11. 许多男孩子每年在灯节放鞭炮。

    Many boys explode firecrackers on the Lantern Festival every year .

  12. 这些家伙可不是卖鞭炮的墨西哥小贩。

    These guys are not spic firecracker sales men from tijuana .

  13. 孩子们喜欢在春节时放鞭炮。

    Children like to shoot off firecrackers in the Spring Festival .

  14. 这些所谓的好处往往被鞭炮产生的不良后果抵消了。

    These so-called merits are often offset by its undesirable effects .

  15. 男孩们一下午都在放鞭炮和爆竹。

    The boys spent the afternoon setting off Squibs and firecrackers .

  16. 这次庆典的组织者点燃了一条长8米的鞭炮。

    Organizers of this celebration lit up an eight-mile-long firecracker chain .

  17. 他们得放鞭炮赔礼。

    They had to let off firecrackers by way of apology .

  18. 鞭炮引线自动插入设备的参数化设计

    Parameter Design of the Automatic Inserting Fuse Machine for Firecracker

  19. 他们建议商业区内禁止放鞭炮。

    They propose that firecrackers be forbidden in downtown area .

  20. 中国人喜欢放鞭炮庆祝春节。

    Chinese people like to set off firecrackers to celebrate Spring Festival .

  21. 一名菲律宾商贩在博卡韦整理一卷鞭炮。

    A Filipino traders in the bocaue finishing a roll of firecrackers .

  22. 烟花鞭炮生产所需要的烟花合金粉在使用时,一直是干法配药。

    Alloy powder for fireworks , is mixed in dry process dosage .

  23. 年害怕红色,火和鞭炮。

    " Nian " was afraid of red , flame and firecracker .

  24. 我打鞭炮,但我伤害我的手指与消防。

    I played firecracker but I hurt my finger with the fire .

  25. 天刚黑他们就放鞭炮了。

    They set off the fireworks as soon as it got dark .

  26. 我说:过节了,怎么还不让放鞭炮?

    I wondered why can 't I set off fireworks when festivals .

  27. 鞭炮越猛烈,寒单爷带来的财富就越多。

    The stronger the firecrackers , the more wealth the god brings .

  28. 近距离接触鞭炮噪声对听觉功能的影响

    Influence of close to firecrackers ' noise on hearing function

  29. 过春节放鞭炮的由来。

    Began to set off firecrackers for the Spring Festival .

  30. 本实用新型主要用于卷制鞭炮引线。

    The utility model is mainly used for rolling firecrackers leading wires .