
  • 网络trichuriasis
  1. 除了严重的腹泻和放刺激性气味的屁的症状,患有鞭虫病的人还会有大便吃力、生长迟缓以及认知发展受损等问题。

    Aside from severe diarrhea and acrid-smelling farts , those infected could 've expected painful passage of stool , growth retardation , and impaired cognitive development .

  2. 结果显示,钩虫病、鞭虫病及犬弓蛔虫病患者血清都与人、猪蛔虫可溶性成虫抗原发生较强的免疫反应。

    Results sowed that sera from patients with hookworm disease , trichuriasis or toxocariasis reacted strongly with soluble adult worm antigens of A , lumbricoides ( ALSA ) and that of A.

  3. 共价交联的胶乳抗原与蛔虫、鞭虫和钩虫病患者血清无交叉反应,其诊断试验的特异性为91.5%。

    The covalent latex antigen did not react with sera of patients of Trichooephalus trichiarus , Ascaris lumbricoides , and Ancylostoma ducdenale , and the specificity was91.5 % .