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  • 网络Wei Zhuang;wei chuang
  1. 韦庄是唐末、五代文坛上一位诗、词兼擅的重要作家。

    Wei Zhuang was an important writer in the Late Tang Dynasty .

  2. 韦庄诗歌研究

    A Study of Wei Zhuang 's Poetry

  3. 其次是对韦庄忧时伤世、体恤民情为主题的诗歌进行研究。

    Second , when the injury is concerned , sympathize with the people of the theme of poetry .

  4. 韦庄诗具有和谐之美,具体表现在情感内容上的和谐,即以“衰调写衰代”;

    His poems possessed harmonious beauty : in expression , he described that fallen era in sorrow tone ;

  5. 爱情的渴盼心灵的诉求&韦庄《思帝乡》词新探

    Yearning for Love , Recounting from the Heart & A New Probe into Wei Zhuang 's Si Di Xiang

  6. 同时,通过温庭筠、韦庄对比,说明温词对两宋婉约词的发展产生的影响。

    This article also expounds the influence of Wen Ci on the development of Wanyue Ci from the two Song Dynasties by comparing Wen with Wei .

  7. 20世纪的百年间,学界对唐末诗人韦庄的研究,在作品整理、生平事迹及思想、诗、词等方面取得了一定的成绩,也存在着显著的不足。

    Experts have achieved a lot in their study on WEI Zhuang , a poet in the late Tang Dynasty , esp in terms of his life story , thoughts and poems .

  8. 第四部分结合韦庄的文学主张对韦诗清丽的艺术特色从诗歌风格与审学风貌等方面进行具体的分析。

    Part Four , which relates the literature assertion of Wei Zhuang to the discussion , analyses the fresh and magnificent artistic quality of his Tang poetry in the aspects of poetry style and aesthetic characteristics .

  9. 从体式和内容方面探讨了韦庄词所具有的用韵灵活、句式参差、词调风格、内容通俗等音乐特征。

    This paper discusses from the aspects of style and content that there are such musical features as flexible use of rhymes , uneven sentences , style of tonal patterns and rhyme schemes , popular contents and etc.

  10. 这些诗人当中比较著名的是盛唐时期的高适、岑参;中唐时期的白居易、元稹、刘禹锡;晚唐时期的贾岛、李商隐、韦庄。

    In the middle of what these poets is quite famous is glorious age of Tang poetry time Gao Shi , the Cen shen ; Tang time Bai Juyi , Yuan Zhen , Liu Yuxi ; Late Tang time Jia Dao , Li Shangyin , Wei Zhuang .

  11. 本文在充分掌握文献资料、吸取前人研究成果的基础上,对韦庄的家世、生平、思想,以及诗歌创作的思想性与艺术性进行了系统而深入的研究。

    In accordance of the documents and materials sufficiently mastered and the research fruits of former scholars , this paper presents a systematic and deep study about the family origin , biography , ideology of Wei Zhuang and the ideological content and artistic quality of his Tang poetry .